#21 – Happy Birthday Dad!***
Today’s My dad’s birthday. I will be calling him in the AM. He had a suprise party this past weekend. He really was suprised. I wished I could have been there.. But oh well. He turns 55 today.
So Today after I got up Jessica and I had some Gravy and Biscuits for breakfast! YUM!!!! Then We played Silent Hill 4 – The room. Well more she played and I helped.. but remembering directions, where things were etc. She beat it so AFter that I headed home.
I had a stressful day it seems. my eyes are hurting.. I dunno. one of those days.
I don’t have much to write about at the moment since well i don’t. I may edit this later.
So while here at work. . . We started talking about christmas movies. And I was telling them about this movie from the 80s that I seen and really really like. It was about a kid who , as a baby was abandon by a forest, and the immortal forset dwellers took him in, names him Claus “little one” and he grew to a young man, left to make the world of humans happy. Specifically the children.
It was claymation.. and I told my co-workers and they thought I was making it up. HAH
The movie is called “The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus” 1985
i tell ya. Its a really good story. I recommend it!
It was based of a book, SAME TITLE, writtne in 1902 By F. L. Braum (same guy who wrote Wizard of OZ”
Here is a link to the book that you can read on line. Its short
for the record.. I am really dumb. making the mistake i made, just cost me basically any future with Cardinal AND i am SOL for that command center job, WHICH seems I was going to be highly recommended via Managers who felt i was perfect for the role.. way to rub that in my face.
*tears* that past 24 hrs REALLY and TRULY SUCKED!
Time warner.. i maybe be coming to ya
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what mistake??
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