Hello my fellow OD friends.
I have been reading, but sadly just have not had so much time to write. I have been going through a lot of things in my life (mostly good, a few bad)… but I am still around.
Things with the boy are moving forward in a way i had no idea could ever happen for me. I love this man so much, and I can only hope things just keep moving forward. (Kels I MUST fill you in!! lol <3).
Moved into the new place, and its pretty decent… but living with my roomie is not. She is SOOO out of it.. i really should have just moved out on my own and went my seperate ways. i am just over the crap she is putting me and my friends through. i always was there for her and sided with her on things, and its just coming to light that she is NOT at all what she protrayed to be. It really bothers me because i thought we were really good friends.. Here she just talks ALL this crap about me, my weight, and other things to all my friends, but doesn’t have the balls to just tell me, and when i called her on some of it, she said she would be straight with me and yatta yatta yatta. i am just over it. life is way to short to deal.
My cousin is getting married in under 2 weeks. i am reading at the wedding and i got this really cute dress. OMG, i am not to comfy in dresses but its for a great reason. Then after that we are going to a trip on myrtle beach. I am just looking forward to seeing Jessica and spending time with my cousins.
I have missed blogging here and all my firends here. I am sorry for not being around as much. but i feel in a better place right now.
night all. more to update another day.
ZOMG!! Yes, you must fill me in!!!
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Aww I’m sorry to hear things with Thao are really rough.
How long are you “stuck” there?
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omg a new boy? you must fill us ALL in <3 so excited for you! im sorry the roomie situation isnt working out, id say adios once the lease is up. <3
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RYN: Yea, Ortho Lo. I just ordered it through the by mail option this last go around. $50 for 3 months!
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RYN: I couldn’t remember what the max was. I thought it was 2 but meh. :-p
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