Social Media can be Magic

The above came about a couple of ways and some of you would have seen it on FB.
Now I usually rant and rave about the running of Facebook. But one of the things that I do like about Social Media are the groups.

I have been keeping an Art Journey for some time. Just fiddling around the edges with it really. So, I joined a FB group called Art Journaling for beginners and just like on OD I have contact with women all around the world.
From India, China, Pakistan, the US of course, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. The latter putting me in touch with other aussies. I would never have hooked up with any of these gals had it not been for the magic of the digital age we live in.It has been a very rewarding experience just like OD.

Any how I saw a manipulated digital page on one of the posts. I thought I would like to have a go at it and above is the result. I really enjoyed the process.

When I bought my very first digital camera, a small silver Pentax, it came with Software. I bought it before EmmyLil was born so that makes it at least 16 years old.
Apart from storing photos it has a very small, unsophisticated editing programme and that is what I used.
The software has lasted so well, it is now stored on my 3rd computer. Anyhow that is roughly the story of my little digital piece.
It’s called “Cuppa Anyone”?

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May 2, 2018

As I said on FB, can’t you just see that as wallpaper in a tea room or  coffee house.   You are so talented Leo!

May 2, 2018

That’s a wonderful piece you made!

May 2, 2018

@thediarymaster Thanks Hunny-bun


May 2, 2018

yes there is something to be said the digital age, and so much to be said about the beauty of your art works.   smiles and hugs p

May 3, 2018

I like.

May 3, 2018

I sent you a friend request.  These pictures are beautiful!  Did you paint these by hand?  Are they digital pictures?  You are so creative with the art and plays.  I envy people like you.

May 4, 2018

@grammysheart they are digitial.

June 21, 2018
