
Buddy my gorgeous Beagle turns 14 this month.  He is still going strong. He has funny little spots here and there and  what I call an old man’s cough.  He had his Spleen removed doe to tumors in April and he pulled up 3 days later as if it never happened. But apart from that as I said he is strong and happy. In fact he is a great dog.

He is my 5th dog and I have love each and every one. Sheba way back when,  Misha and Manny, Poppy-angel and she was and of course Molly the cat, who thought she was a dog.

During lock down here I was not allowed to travel more than 5 kilometers outside my home.  Which meant I could not see my kids.  It was bloody awful.  But I had Buddy , nobody else and something happened between us that I had never experienced with my other lovely furry babies.  A knowing, almost a telepathic something, a familiarity, honestly there are just no words to describe it.  If you have it with your pet you and have experienced it. You will know what I mean.

I can read him, He can read me.  What I am thinking, what I am doing, how I feeling. you get the picture.  He is not a demonstrative dog.  He doesn’t lick but allows me to hold cuddle an kiss him.  When he wants to communicate with me, he will sit and stare and stare and stare. Long enough for me to read him.  And I get it.  It maybe he would like to wander out the front.  Go over and say hello to Amanda, fill up his water bowl.  Go to the park.  He just stares and it will come into my head exactly what he is conveying.  If for instance it is his water bowl.  i will get a picture of water in my head.  It will just happen.  If it is going over to Amanda, I suddenly see  her in my mind’s eye.  If it is the Park I get a picture of the little bridge we cross where he always stops and has a sniff.   These images are his, they are not mine, because i don’t think like that.  If he wants to go out to poop.  I get a picture of his tummy.  I am not kidding.   He is communicating with me through his mind.  What can I say.

He is my pet, my mate. my baby, my companion.  And I hope I have a few more wonderful years with him yet.



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September 1, 2024

My daughter co-raised a beautiful beagle for the first few years of his life, and I adored him. If I everget to a point where my life slows down so that I can give a dog the proper attention it deserves, it will definitely be a beagle.

September 1, 2024

Niece always has a Beagle.  They rescued Louie and he was such a great dog — mellow and loving.  We lost him to cancer a year ago.  Katy was my Goddog, and she was always so delighted to see me.   It wasn’t until she got to old age that she stopped peeing when I walked through the door. 😁  We lost her earlier this year.  It’s so hard with pets — they ought to live as long as we do!

Buddy sounds like such a great dog companion!  As do all the former guys.  Like me, you’re going to be overwhelmed at the Rainbow Bridge!

My Marty is 14, and like you & Buddy, we’re more than pet & owner.   We don’t live in each other’s pocket, and he bellows to tell me what he wants (he has a different bellow for each thing) but we spend the mornings and evenings and nights together, and I don’t know what I’ll do when he goes.  I can’t help thinking I hope I go first, then he could come with me and we could go explore the next thing together.  But it will be whatever it’s supposed to be and we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I cried for 3 days solid when my Charlie died, and sporadically for days after.  10 years later, sometimes at night I still see her shining eyes as she comes down the hall towards me.  And it will be the same with Marty if he goes first.  The only thing to do is enjoy each day as it comes.

You do that with Buddy too.