– Whitetail Landscaping –
The Whitetail Landscapers have been active again. They really did a number on the Hostas around one of the oak trees.
And then there is this critter in residence in the barn along with its Mama and sibling.
They seem to have come to a truce with this character as we have seen them dining side by side. There are at least three cats living in the barn as well and at least four kittens. They are doing a fairly good job at controlling the chipmunk population.
This was a gift my Wife-Unit received from her youngest bother and SIL for her birthday.
The longest pipe is about four and a half feet in length. It sounds pretty good but it isnt as loud one might imagine.
Wow the deer really like your Hostas and made them look like babies. Didn’t know I was so lucky as the deer haven’t touched my Hostas. Not sure how long it will last, but think it may have to do with the dogs in the yard. Didn’t realize deer ate Hostas but I know now. The windchime is awesome. I bet it sounds nice when the breeze blows them. I have several small ones and usually don’t hear them unless the winds are going pretty good. Take care and glad the chipmonk population is under control!!
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What a cute baby racoon! Of course, you needn’t gift it to me. I don’t want it. What a mess they can make. One got into my offoce years ago, strewed half-eaten Doritos everywhere and ate through computer lines.
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Awwww kittens!!!
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coons eat cats. sorry abt the hosta. wind chimes are so lovely!
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We have a small raccoon population that visits our complex from time to time. We’re told to not feed them, but a lot of the residents do anyway. So far, they’re not a problem.
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Yay critters! N’s parents have a new crop of barn kittens every year that we have to ttempt to tame in some capacity so they aren’t completely feral and vicious. Coons, on the other hand, are totally adorable with their tettering gait, but they are NAUGHTY. They cause destruction in just about everything they get into and they can be mean (and rabid)
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Great pictures! Weird me, I noticed immediately the oak tree’s root system; have become almost possessive about branches and roots compared to we human ‘beans’. And the chimes…yes I’d think they would be louder too, but bet they sound beautiful anyway. I have (smaller) chimes that irritates my neighbor…she said to her they sounded like rocks in a bucket. Poor woman.
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