– So I Cheated A Little –

Usually when I post photos the only “Photoshopping” I do is to crop the image..

The first of the below photos I had to play with the color a bit. In the unaltered image the tips of the petals are almost pink. The “Natural Color” is a slightly darker red than in the photo below.

The next two photos are separate blossom on the same plant. The first was almost facing the sun. The second actually was facing the side of the house and I twisted the stem almost ninety degrees for the photo. The sun was also behind a thin cloud and the ”peach” color in the outer petals is a little more noticeable.

More of the Tabasco Peppers are ripening and turning color.

I am thinking of mixing about a half bottle of Tabasco Sauce in water and filling a spray bottle.

Bambi’s buddies have again topped off the green pepper plants for a dinner salad.

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September 20, 2011

As one who is color-blind, I really appreciate those who can see colors.

September 20, 2011

Steve, what exactly do you plan to do with that many hot peppers? It’s a shame the deer don’t nibble on those!

I’ve heard that a good way to keep animals , cats etc, away from the garden is by placing chicken wire or chain link fence on the ground around the plants. They do not like walking on the metal and usually stay away. I do not know if this works with deer also. I’m guessing it should since they want to keep both feet on the ground. Probably chicken wire with small openings, not the larger openingsis best.

the deer sure do the number on your plants! that first dahlia is stunningly beautiful

yeah, what are you going to do with those peppers? grind and put the pulp in oak barrels with salt like the Tobasco Company does and let sit x 3 years? lol

September 21, 2011

I always enjoy looking at your flowers and garden. I am always in awe that all the plants are so perfect. Now I know you Photoshop ’em….hah….just like the runway models in New York, except your peppers have more meat on them.

September 22, 2011

Lovely flowers. Delicious-looking peppers. 🙂

They are, as always, beautiful! 🙂

Wow! Wow! Wow! I love your flower photos. Deer are certainly a problem out here. They especially love to munch on our firebush shrubs and azaleas. 🙂

Fantastic shots…and wow look t all them peppers. I always knew you were hot stuff..lol

September 28, 2011

Can you show these beautiful blooms?