– Goodbye Little Asses –

The Oldest BIL has decided that it is time to “get rid” of some of his “play toys.” Namely the “Little Asses” as I refer to the miniature donkeys.

Here is one of the “younger” ones being loaded into a horse trailer. It was not an easy task and they were not too happy or willing to get into the trailer.

Tomorrow the two older ones will be trailered out of “the ranch.”

I think I have come up with a way to “Shut Up” telephone solicitors

Sorry about the background noise. I forgot to shut off the fan and the window a/c.

I hold the handset of the phone near this.

I think they get the message.

On 8/22 we celebrated the MIL’s 93rd..

Minus the Texas “Contingent” the whole FamDamily was here plus a few friends.

I don’t know how many cucumbers I peeled and sliced for the sweet and sour cucumbers and the cucumbers in sour cream.

I grated zucchinis for the chocolate-zucchini and the pineapple-zucchini cakes.

I looked at the number of cucumbers we still had and I asked the Wife-Unit if anyone ever made a cucumber cake. She found a recipe on the web and it was almost the same as a carrot cake. We also made a cucumber dip.

The cucumber dip was also used on ham and salami sandwiches. It was pretty good.

Tomorrow the Wife-Unit and I will be making additional chocolate-zucchini, pineapple zucchini and cucumber cakes. We will be freezing a couple of them as well as freezing both grated zucchini and grated cucumbers.

We dug up the potato patch over the weekend. I estimate that we harvested between three and four bushels of potatoes, both red and white. Let me tell you: There is a big difference between store bought and fresh dug potatoes.

This is probably the last year that we will be having a large garden. We are getting too old for it.

I may just take over the garden area and plant a lot of dahlias. We’ll see what next spring brings.

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August 31, 2010

Those little asses looked a treat to get on that trailer. I often have to help household 6’s parents get their thoroughbreds on trailers, and that is always a joy..especially when one gets sandwiched between horse’s ass and trailer wall at high velocity.

all the foodie shows rave about fresh dug potatoes too. i’d try it but there’s nowhere i could plant them

August 31, 2010

I am not a zucchini fan but, I have never heard of it done with fruits or chocolate. I might enjoy it that way. The only thing I can grow is Roses. I learned from my grandmother. Other than that, I plant it..it dies.

August 31, 2010

I will look forward to your dahlias and will miss hearing how much the fruits of your labors have paid off, but don’t blame you for cutting back. The potatoes remind me of a neighbor I had once in Oklahoma who dug up part of his backyard to plant potatoes; did so well the next year he planted almost all of his yard with the same..

August 31, 2010

Hmmmm…. Now I’m wondering if I can grow potatoes here. Sounds like you could do with a much smaller garden! Cute pictures.

August 31, 2010

I saw the entry title and I thought you were leaving OD. Wil

August 31, 2010

RYN1: yes, I’ll be going as Uncle Fester for halloween. RYN2: I’m glad you and son(s) are going up to Montana and even if you can’t make it to “your” rock, your friend will appreciate what you’re doing. Wil

August 31, 2010

I would LOVE if you could share your favorite zucchini recipes. I have dozens of bags of shredded zucchini in my deep freeze right now. The only recipes I have are for zucchini muffins and loaves of zucchini bread. Fall is the only time we lock our cars in South Dakota – if you don’t you end up finding bags of zucchini on your seat after church.

September 1, 2010

Have you ever read the Chocolate and Zucchini blog?

September 3, 2010

If you like sweet mustard pickles, there’s a recipe call Lady Ashburnam Pickles that’s really yummy. It uses cucumbers.