– Best Two Bucks I Ever Spent –

I have written in a previous entry that I had not intended to plant any dahlias this year.

The Wife-Unit decided to plant tomatoes in the area.

The Oldest BIL and I roto-tilled the area alongside the house and we found two dahlia bulbs that had survived the winter. So I re-planted the bulbs.

A few days later the two bulbs I re-planted sprouted. And two other dahlia plants as well. So we had four survivors.

Then one day the Wife-Unit asked me to go to the local garden supply emporium and get another packet of cucumber seeds. We had planted a row of cucumbers but only about half the row seemed to be growing. So off to Sid’s I went.

I was wandering through Sid’s after I pick up the cucumber seeds and I passed the bins where they had “bulbs”. I stopped to browse. Yeap! I previously wrote that they had one package of dahlia bulbs

Sticker on the package = $2.00. So I bought the suckers and we put them in the ground.

We were just about to start planting the cucumber seeds I had purchased when the BIL mentions that the south end of the cucumber row that was devoid of anything, including weeds, was where he had emptied the weed sprayer the previous year. We surmised that he had saturated the area and not even weeds were growing.

Back to Sid’s for a couple of bags of topsoil. We dug out a trench and tossed the soil back in the corral and refilled the trench with the purchased topsoil. BIL hauls some donkey road apples up for fertilizer. (OK – so they are not horse size. The Little Asses are “Miniature Donkeys” and their end product is a little bigger than a golf ball.)

Well we have been harvesting cucumbers from the north end of the row and the south end has started producing. We will probably be harvesting from the south end soon.

Those two “Snowy – Whatever” dahlia bulbs I had purchased, I posted an entry on 7/29 with photos of some of the blooms. I have “harvested” four or five blooms from each of the two plants. And from the number of buds that have formed and are forming I think I will get at least a dozen blooms from each plant.

Like I’ve said, “Best $2.00 I Ever Spent!”

And here’s the proof!

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How lovely. I’m down to sand verbenia and moss rose. The heat overcomes anything else – 20 days over 100.

August 8, 2010

beautiful. I wonder if those will grow here.

August 8, 2010

Can you throw a few of those this way? It might shut Mr. President up..lol..then again, I’d probably kill them. The only thing I can grow is roses…

oh so lovely!

simply wonderful!!

Very lovely!

August 9, 2010

I think some of your dahlia’s just didn’t want to leave you! Thanks for noting me and reminding me (you know how the memory is when it ‘ages’) what beautiful stuff you guys grow.. Warm hugs p.s…I’m ‘lifting’ some of the pictures…again..

August 15, 2010

I should say so on the best $2 you ever spent! They are just beautiful!!

August 17, 2010

Absolutely gorgeous flowers! RYN: I’d say daytime temps around mid 60’s, nights can get a bit colder, 40’s. That area is also prone to getting hit with snow earlier in the season. 🙂 Be well,

Just gorgeous. I love Dahlias. My mum used to grow them

August 29, 2010

wow, very nicely done!