– Anybody Have A Recipe –

For Raccoon?

The “Banded Tailed, Masked Marauder” of the Animal Kingdom is lucky. Lucky that it is considered a “Fur Bearing Mammal” and protected by state law.

Otherwise I would be setting kill traps or an electrified fence.

The Wife-Unit and I are not pleased. To say that we are “pi**ed” is putting it mildly.

If I had my way “The Blankity Blank Raccoon’s tail would be displayed on the radio antenna of my vehicle and the rest of his pelt would be part of a raccoon coat worn at a “Bears Game.”

A number was done on one of the Argonaut Squash.

At least it wasn’t the biggest one in the “squash patch”.

Also it wasn’t completely ripe and ready for harvesting.

The Wife-Unit is trying to save the “Non-Raccoon Destroyed” portion. She may try for a “Squash Pie” or “Squash Bread” or cookies.

Per the web the squash are about two weeks from being ready for harvest.

As you can see in the photos the squash would have been in excess of 24 inches if it had been totally straight.

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can you spray them with what the pet store sells for a keep off ?? can you put mothballs in cans around the squash?

does the fish and wildlife come out with traps??

you sure you don’t live next to a nuclear plant?

October 12, 2011

That pesky raccoon better watch his step…Or he may be going into the pie with the squash…:)

Wow! That is one big squash! As for the raccoons…one time I went out to the garage to get something out of the freezer. When I opened the door I saw a mama raccoon and eight little ones(so cute) all in a line looking at me from under the car. They had been taking a bath in Big Boy’s water bowl and water was EVERYWHERE! 🙂