– A Day At The Ranch-
Well the last of the potatoes have been dug, washed, and ready for storage and use.
The Pepsi cartons under the table will be used for temporary storage.
I dont know what the bird to the left in the below photo is but I think it is not mature, judging from its feathers colorations,
A couple of photos of a mature male Goldfinch.
Weve had lots of Nuthatches come to the feeders but this is the first Chickadee that Ive been able to photograph at the feeders.
This is the first time I have seen and photographed two adult male Goldfinches on a feeder at the same time. Usually it is a case of Turf Wars.
The the guy who bought the four Little Asses from oldest BIL came back to The Ranch to haul away a small trailer that the BIL wanted to have hauled away.
Oldest BIL had originally put blocking under the trailer tongue and ball socket so that water wouldnt pond in the trailer bed. Oldest BIL lifted the socket and tongue and kicked the blocking away. He released the tongue but it didnt drop to the ground surface.
Oldest BILs comment was What The Excrement!
He walked around the back of the trailer and I heard him loudly say: I DONT BELIEVE THIS EXCREMENT!
There was a tree growing in the back end of the trailer. It looked at first like it was growing between the tailgate and the back end of the trailer floor.
The guy who bought the trailer and the BIL unscrewed the wing nuts holding the tailgate in place.
The tailgate wouldnt drop down so the two of them yanked on the tailgate.
Well the tailgate came down.all right. The screws pulled out of the trailer floor and the tailgate fell to the ground. The floor at the back of the trailer was rotting away.
The two of them pushed down on the trailer tongue and it finally dropped to the ground. The roots were pulled out of the ground
The tree, the trunk a little over an inch in diameter, was actually growing through the rotting trailer floor.
They eventually got the tree out of the trailer and the trailer hooked to the guys Jeep. He took off with the trailer with the tailgate lying on the trailer floor.
The last thing I heard the BIL mutter as he got into his truck to drive home was: Im Getting Too Old For This Excrement!:
And so goes a typical day at the ranch!
i guess that trailer had been sitting there for some time! do you ever see blue birds?
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ive heard so much about fresh dug potatoes tasting so differently from store ones. one day i’ll get my wish and get to try them. they’re gorgeous
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How strange the things that can happen when something sits unattended so long. I have a picture of a car that had sat in this yard so long, grass had grown up all around, with weeds I think helping to ‘hide’ it. Love the ‘word replacement’ for your BIL’s expression. Being a nurse, I came up recently with ‘feces occur’ instead of ‘s..t happens’. No one really appreciates it though…grin.<br> Lovely spuds!! There’s just something abut growing things, isn’t there..
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Oh and great bird pictures too. I had a chickadee once in Oklahoma but it seemed afraid of the other birds; hard to catch a picture of it. Love goldfinches!
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I think the state of Idaho is sitting on your table!! That’s alot of taters! Lots of excrement going on around that Trailer.
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That’s a LOT of potatoes!! Love that last Gold Finch pic. 🙂
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Goldfinches are pretty birds.
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mmmmm tatties
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As I was reading the “trailer” story, for some reason I kept thinking about Congress and BIL’s saying fits them to a tee too. Wil
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