Need advice

I used to be married before but left because I was abused physically by my ex husband. I finally found someone (my best friend of 10 years) and we started dating. He has been my rock through everything and helped me get out of that situation.
I moved in December and started getting my life back in order, except soon as I was happy I found out his parents would be coming in February. I was ok with that a little nervous but ok, I saw one month pass then another month and they were still here. Now if it was a big house I had my own space I would be ok. They finally left and summer came around and now they are here again for a month already and it doesn’t look like they are leaving any time soon.

I have been stuck in one room because they are always in the living room and I’m in the bedroom because I just need my space it’s becoming to much. The other day I start opening up a little and soon as that happen his mother threaten me that if I cheat on her son she would kill me, and then start threatening his ex who cheated on him and that freaked me out. I stopped eating, and I stop being around them at all.

We had a discussion, and I told him I have two path staying with him and just living with it, or walk away and go back to where I came from. I am the type I need control over what’s going around me ( maybe because I haven’t had control in a long time) I don’t want to lose the control of what’s happening to me any more. Next year is when I’m thinking about leaving to go back, it just hurt because when his mom isn’t here me and him get along so well, but if they are planning on coming every year I don’t think I can deal with it.

now I feel bad because it is his parents, but I can’t do more than 2 weeks I need the sanctuary to be nonstressful and every time they are here she makes me stress out. Funny thing tho is I have no problems with his dad, I love his dad. But his mom, I don’t think I can deal with.

I don’t know what to do because I am in school and the accelerated program bans you from working, other wise I would get my own place but I am not able to do that. The worst part in all of this is every time they are here my school work suffers, I am not comfortable and I just completely shut down, I haven’t kissed him, hugged him, nothing.

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