a text to him

well today i text uri hi and he he just wrote back yo.. i dont no if we are completely over even our friendship but im giving it by feb 14 and im gonna start deleteing everything even numbers.. my friends told me to walk away from him a year ago once they saw us breaking up and getting back together but he can be so sweet and loving and being there for me..

its funny i never felt anything like this for anyone, i never be like this with anyone.. i usually move on very quickly and not look back. but with this dude its hard not to look back.. all i asked him yesterday was to respect me the way he wants me to respect him.. and im guessing he probably didnt even read that part of the text. guess i should start growing up and just walking away even tho its hard to do so..

he is my first love and i still kinda love him,, yesterday during our fight he was telling me that i dont see what hes telling me because of me locing him… it hurt because he never said he loved me back. i felt like it was just one way. i feel so helpless when i know im not but i feel that way


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