So I didn’t get around to it yesterday…

So I didn’t get around yesterday to replacing the bookmark entry.  I simply just deleted it and am writing this entry.  I’m being a bad girl and writing this during a lecture.  As a result of not getting around to this yesterday, it’s going to be a long entry.

I recently started on Concerta, however it’s been keeping me up to midnight or later and when you have to get up at 6 or 6:30 during the week, that doesn’t work so well.  As a result, I decided yesterday to call my doc’s nurse to tell them (as that can also indicate too high of a dose).  In the end, my med got changed to a shorter acting form of the med (actual ritalin this time lol).  More on that in a bit.

I had wanted to get home right away after my last lecture yesterday so I could write my civil war paper and be able to study tonight for my American Judicial System test tomorrow.  However, that didn’t happen.  I had to drive out of my way to the clinic to pick up the prescription for the ritalin (it’s a Schedule 2 drug, so the nurse can’t simply call it in). Then I had to go to the pharmacy where first they had problems getting my HMO to cover Ritalin, then the pharmacist figured out how to do it, but then we had to make sure that we had the right drug as there were several types all very close in name (brand name vs. generic) that just had the letters at the end different.  Turns out the letters at the end matter for this one, as they indicate how long the drug lasts.  Problem is that each drug company uses different letters to mean different things and two different companies can use the same letter combination to mean different things.  So instead of being home by 4:30 to deal with my paper, it was 6 before I was home.  So the paper’s not done yet.  Gah!

I have to say, as a college student (though not at Virginia Tech) yesterday’s events scare me some.  Apparently though my university has a plan in place for that type of situation that they’re going to go over again after yesterday.

The other bit of news today was that I ran into a friend today.  Actually, he’s a cute guy friend.  He was in my American Revolution discussion section last semester.  I ran into him in the parking garage this morning and we got to talking again and eventually just sat outside in the wonderful weather for close to 30 minutes.  He suggested getting together one day to study 😛  He’s a nice guy and he’s cute.  *Shrugs* Romantic ideas aside, it’d be nice to have a real guy friend again.  It’s been several years since I had a close guy friend.  Actually, I’ve only ever really had one – Kirk. Adam’s been great too over the years.  But I definitely miss having a close guy friend.  I’m one of those people who is friendly with a lot of people, but has few friends.  Friends mean a lot to me and it takes a lot to really be my friend.  Anyway, I might email him and see if he just wants to hang out downtown on Saturday afternoon.  Saturday’s going to be absolutely gorgeous and it’d be fun to walk around on State Street with someone. 🙂

Last thing, GO BULLS!


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