Last Final!
Okay, so not a long entry, but I just had to mark the occasion. My last final of my first year of law school starts in just over an hour. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve changed since I began law school. I’m so grateful to be where I am. I’m headed out to dinner with Shannon following our exam, to celebrate being done. Afterwards my plan is to write a monster entry that I’ve been meaning to write for weeks now and just haven’t had time to write. Finals have just kept me so busy of late, but thankfully my last final is today.
"Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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Best of luck! I bet you will do great!
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Wow, that must be a relief to have the year done (since I’m assuming I’m posting this after your last final)! I wish I had more time for school, but I do need a job and money so… it has to wait.
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Education does change us.:)
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