Heading to bed shortly




I felt the need to update briefly.  I’m heading to bed in a few minutes 🙂 It’s a little warm yet, but it could be worse – our dewpoint could still be at 72 degrees!.  Anyway, I’m REALLY looking forward to tomorrow.  🙂 It should be fun I think.  As we’re taking the digital camera, I’ll have pictures tomorrow or Friday – it mostly depends on how tired I am tomorrow when we get home.  We’re leaving Chicago early enough to pay my grandparents a visit on the way back (actually, we’re leaving the city early to escape the worst of the Taste of Chicago and Fireworks downtown traffic).  As we’re headed there on our way home, I imagine we’ll be home no later than 10ish.  Hard to blieve that in less than 6 hours I’ll officially be 23.  I was born at 4:14am on July 3, 1985.  Alright, it’s nearly 11 and I’m getting up at 7:15 so I can take a shower and partake of the nice breakfast that’s being cooked, instead of just a poptart or cereal.    Night everyone! 🙂


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July 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!!