The One with Hypocrisy

Look for another entry <— that way. I am on a roll.
I am not going to go all into the Miley Cyrus thing again, I did that already somewhere else and with a few people. This time i want to address some hypocrisy…
So You Think You Can Dance is a dance competition show on Fox that is on my television right now. There is a panel of three judges, Nigel, a stodgy old Englishman who most likely idolized Fred Astaire, Mary, a loud mouthed former ballroom dance pro and a guest judge, tonight it is Jesse Tyler Ferguson. 
Indulge me for a moment and let me go off track. I used to love this show. I was invested in the dancers, had my favorites and people I loathed. Sometimes who I wanted to win did and sometimes they didn’t. I started falling out of love with this show when they started trying to manipulate my feelings. They told me the story behind the choreography before it was performed. No no. Don’t ruin it for me, let me feel it and decide for myself. Don’t cry and tell me I should cry too. That is not cool. And then they started rotating the judges a bit more and I just couldn’t get on board with some of them. And then it wasn’t up to the audience to decide who stays and who goes. Then it was let’s do this and let’s do that and it wasn’t recognizable anymore. Couple that with the fact I can’t stand Cat Deely and find her to be the most annoying and grating person on television. Then they had the all-stars and I liked that, but it wasn’t enough. Last year I filmed it and fast forward through everything but the dancing. Then this year I quit recording and quit watching all together. But tonight there is nothing else on at the time and I am not really paying attention which brings me to…
I heard enough of Nigel to hear him blast Miley Cyrus & praise a contestant for her twerking. Now, I am not a twerking expert, I had to Google it to make sure i understood it. It doesn’t seem like a dance for pale people. I am too old to do it and I find it tasteless. But, this show has had twerking or it’s very closely related cousin on it for years and it is hypocritical for Nigel to bring Miley into it, when they have had some questionable performances on this show. 
Miley’s performance was shit throughout. It didn’t make sense at all. But, it is not the horror show everyone is making it out to be. I stand by my earlier comments that her performance is on par with Madonna’s 1984 Like A Virgin humping. If you look at the progression of dance and music and pop culture, it is on par. It is on par with Adam Lambert simulating oral sex with a dude on the AMA’s a few years ago. It is on par with Beyonce’s crotch shot dance she does all the time that completely grosses me out. It is on par with Rhianna just getting out of bed.
If you take away the foam finger, nobody has a problem with it. The outfit was not as bad as Lady Gaga’s. At least Miley didn’t have a string up her ass.  She basically took her cues from MTV queens of the past. Gwen Stefanie hair, check | Britney’s barely their flesh colored outfit, check | Britney’s hot mess of a performance, check | Rhianna’s nastiness, check | Madonna’s shock value, check. Looks like MTV might be to blame for this.
<div style="font-family: MarkerFelt-Thin; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0976563); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(191, 107, 82, 0.496094); “>I am waiting for someone to do a "Leave Miley Alone" video on YouTube. 
And as far as the Parent Television Council goes: Why are your children watching MTV? Honest, legit question. You knew for weeks in advance that Lady Gaga and Kanye were going to be there. You must know that Miley has been walking around LA without pants on for months now. You should know that Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines video is full of skanky naked chicks grinding on him. If you have listened to his song, you would know there is a line about giving a lady something that is "big enough to tear that ass in two", and furthermore, Justin Timberlake’s Mirrors video? Full on naked women that doesn’t even relate to the lyrics. So, why would you not have MTV and Vh1 blocked? Do you think Teen Mom is wholesome programming? It sort of tells girls that if they get knocked up they might get to be on MTV. Plus look at the alumni…Farah got new boobies and basically made a porno. The one chick is divorced and remarried….at least I think so. At least two moms lost custody of their children. Yeah, that is what I want my kids watching. 
My parents didn’t really censor what we watched, because they took the time to raise us to know what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and not. They didn’t relay on the Parent Television Council to tell them what we could and couldn’t watch. They did the job themselves. Maybe if more parents did that, then this wouldn’t be the big deal it is two freaking days later and maybe dickhead producers like Nigel Lythgo wouldn’t be taking pot shots at an obviously troubled Disney Darling Disaster.
And for the record, I know plenty of women who would have wanted to get their grind on with Robin Thicke. 

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September 2, 2013

My friend totally thinks Robin Thicke is hot…I think he looks too much like his Daddy lol Miley has become a hot mess, but you make valid points. It’s parents responsibility to say what THEIR kids can/can’t watch, they can’t choose what other people do. RYN 1: The last root canal/crown was LONG…Did you have a molar done? The dentist said that the far back ones have 4 canals they have to clean out, where this one only has 1, that’s why it didn’t take as long. Thank goodness! RYN 2: I know, and I think some of my concern comes from the changes I’ve seen in her. Maybe it’s just “settling” down, I have no idea. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.