
why is it that everyone around me seems to be in pairs??

jackie and adam (lets face it they broke up last week for the 100th time but i bet they r back together)
kathleen and ben
jack and becca
toby and cafrin
stuart and his hand
susan and her latest crush
stevie and daisy
hannah and mark
james and his bass
collins and whiting
alex and gary
tamsin and …
georgia and nebski
mahalia and chris
donna and twiggy
zoe and jake

yes ok i decided to stop there.  point is that im sick of being single! what the fuck am i doing wrong.  currently im waiting and waiting to hear back from leon to see if her has come to a conclusion about whether he wants to try and make it work between us again even though heis going away again.  between now and january we are going to be in the same country for a grand total of 5 weeks!  but im willing to do that ive left the ball in his court to see if he is too.

ok so my assistant manager at work likes me.  but he doesnt no yet whether its a fuck he wants or a girlfriend.  my manager at work has jokinly told him that its part of his job to get with me cos ive been with all the c and b managers.  ive never been with a c and b manager EVER but he believes her and its really pissing me off now.  the chefs at work have heard stuff about me and him and they have told him that im a slag and everything!!  what is going on??? im just plain tired now. and yes watch me im a bitch but i dont mean in honestly!!


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May 29, 2006

i hate that everyone-has-a-significant-other-but-me feeling. =( he’ll come when you least expect it. and probably when all of the rest of your friends are single =P

May 29, 2006

*COUGH* *COUGH* ..think that says it all.

May 29, 2006

its james as apposed to dots lol x

May 30, 2006

Susan and her latest crush? ^o) Now your being ridiculous. Im just as alone as always x

May 31, 2006

My opinion: Forget Leon……what fun is a relationship when you never get to see your partner? As far as work goes, tell her that its bothering you that she keeps on saying that stuff. Seems like you want a steady bf, not someone to sleep with, so the guy from work doesnt sound like he is worth the time either. If he’s not sure what he wants then he probably just wants to have sex….which

May 31, 2006

is not what you want so forget him too. They say the moment you stop looking, you find what you are looking for. Just enjoy life as it is for now, enjoy the fact that you can come and go as you please. Enjoy the fact that you can flirt with anyone you want and not worry about it hurting someone. Enjoy being young. I know, the loneliness is enough to kill anyone, but someone will come

May 31, 2006

along and make the wait worth while. I promise. Take care!!