hello friends!
well hello there
is anyone interested in a rambling full of crap entry?!?!
no well tough cos im bored at uni and trying desperatly to stay awake till my lectures finish at 6!
ok so whats been going on in my wonderful uni life i hear you ask!
well ok so i have started doing alot of salsa. i started with doing 1 class a week and last week i ended up doing a total of 4 classes and then stayed after one of them to dance till 1! so in total i did 9 hours of salsa this week! twas good twas good and im gettin damn good if i say so myself (actually others have said as well so there!)
met a guy who i enjoy dancing with he is so funny because to look at him he is a complete geek (i no dont judge) but then he tells me he is doing a joint honours in economics and maths!!! omg! and yeh anyways so he is amazing at salsa and looks kinda good doing it! very worrying but hey ho it taught me not to judge at all!!
so thats salsa…
umm a few weeks back i went to liverpool for the day. i went with a few others from the LGBT here at leeds met and we went to a NUS LGBT activist training day. so left leeds at like 5.45 after going to bed at um 4?? anyways so didnt get home that eveing till 9 and i was sooo mentally exhausted i couldnt cope with gettin up the next day i was a wreck!
anyways so all day we did some amazing things and got to meet sooo many different people from the north region and i got soo much information thrown at me it was crazy! i learnt so much in a short space of time and i was actually made to feel very stupid (i must say that this wasnt other peoples doing it was simply because they knew more than me!")
silly things i had no idea about were like in a discussion someone said what do you think about adding Q to LGBT, and someone else replied with well if you do that dont you need to add A, I, P and lots of others?!?! and i was like well why would you wanna do that?!? and then i had it explained to me as i was soooo lost!
so Q stands for Questioning or Queer. what i can understand from queer is that you dont identify with LGB or T as a whole but you identify with some of the issues!. A is for A SExual which should actually be called Non-SExual which means you dont ‘fancy’ anyone!! I is for intersexual which is when you are born with both reproductive organs and you have picked which life to lead and um whats left o yes P, P is for Pansexual and im afraid your gonna have to find otu what this is cos i got mixed answers so im still not sure!
anyways so yes i also learnt some shocking shocking facts:
(and your gonna hear them as well btw cos i was so shocked!)
1. in 9 countries you can still recieve the death penelty for being gay and this recently happened in 3 countries.
2. it was only in 1992 that being gay was removed from the World Health Organisations Mental Disorder list.
3. it was may this year that legislation was passed that meant an LG or B person could not be refused services or gooods on the ground that they are LG or B but there is no legislation protecting Trans people from this!.
4. on average it takes 11 phone calls before someone is helped with a domestic violence case.
5. A plane load of women die each week as a result of unsafe abortions in the world
thats only a few!! and we had to watch a terrible DVD about all the countries where its illegal and what the punishment is and stories of people recently in the UK who have died (where is by others or themselves) for being gay or just because others thought they were gay!
it kept flickering between the stories of these peoples lives and our story where we are fighting to get (in comparision) the smallest of rights and we are disucssing which letters to add to a flaming name. it mad me angry that we are fighting for that when in other countrys people fight for their lives!
anyways so i came away buzzing well and truly and was for days after! we got to talk about the 3 campaigns which are runing this year and how to help them and stuff which was cool!
bugger cant remember what i was gonna say!!hmmm hey ho ill leave it there for now seeing as i have typed enough crap for now!
hope you enjoyed lol!
mwah to all hope everyone is ok and just to let you no that i still check here most days even if im not appearing to be around!