well as a rare occurence tonight i didnt no much at work and we all stood around in rowans chatting about many many things. one was about how people change when they get into drugs. let me just give you back grounds on the people i was chatting with (not that you guys care but hey ho)
kerry – does the occasional drugs when drunk not hard core or anything
chillie – started drugs when she was 15 got with the wrong crowd, was addicted to cocaine but got off of it and hasnt touched it since. has the very odd joint but heavily smokes.
mikeala – had her wild days but has never touched anything more than weed.
katy – had very wild days, done it all but has grown out of it.
so we were talking about one person in particular , jo, when she came to us she was lovely, sweet, the biggest gossip ever and you couldnt trust her with a thing. she has recently got heavily into drugs and has started coming to work late, not coming in atall, working badly and is being obvious with the drugs. we were saying how it used to be quite discreet what happened upstairs. everyone knew but it wasnt flaunted around for personnal to find easily. now you can go upstairs and find a drunk jo in the triangle rolling a joint. its not on because its putting everyone who lives up there in risk. if there is a party and things happen and maybe they get found out annd say drugs are found there then everyone even with a loose connection to that party are in the shit.
there are a few people that are putting everyone in danger with their antics.
i was also talking to mark and i asked him when was the last time he went a whole day without any form of drug (dont including medication but including fags) he said 1988! thats sad. he is a heavy weed user, like every day whether he is working or not. ive seen him do cocaine more than once, and ive seen his bottle of pills sitting on the side. i no he sells all this stuff as well and i was just thinking about how easy it is to get hold of any of this stuff. i dont think im the sort that has mixed in circles where people think of me as being able to get drugs. but when i thought about it i think pretty much everyone would no how to get hold of pretty much anything if the wanted it whether straight to a dealer or through someone who has a dealer.
hmmm yes.
on a slightly different note we were also talking about how things that happened at the hotel yrs ago when i was there but few others were still get talked about now. new people know about them, thats a scary thought. apparently everyone knows about mark and i but im still denying it. everyone knows about kosta and i but thats not a problem. i found out that ian (the old sous chef) rang kosta up before he started at the hotel and told him that we had just slept together and all this shit. he then went and told lots of other people. this clearly didnt happen and when i said to people it didnt they didnt believe me and ive only just found out thats because he was saying different. im so cross with him because he was saying all this stuff about me that wasnt true. hmmm anyways mini rant over i think.
but think about it – where would you get your drugs from?
interesting conversations around the water cooler eh?
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Where would i get them from? James *Shrug* Who gets them via jimmy (the spastic) I think. But then Im a good girl 😀 Unlike some *coughs and points in various directions* x
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