Over my head
I know full well I’m in over my head, I’m sunk, I an 100% fully invested in Eric. So hold on tight, looks like we’re going for a ride…
He left a shirt, it smells like him, so my brain screams sex when I smell it. He’s supposed to stay over Monday night, and all I can say is, I doubt much sleep will happen. Every time I think about being next to him for hours and having all that time, woooo. *fans self* I get fluttery.
Jess caught Laura sneaking thru his phone. It’s not as simple as that, but that’s the basic thing that happened. She seems to have a real issue with him having any contact with me, no matter why. It’s silly for her to be insecure about us at this point, there is no “us”, he’s all in with her and I’m definitely over him (and evidently all in with Eric) myself. This kind of behavior will ultimately ruin what they have, and I hope she realizes that sooner rather than later.
I cant decide if I’m proud of myself for opening myself up to something with Eric, or if I’ve lost my damn mind for doing it.
If it’s meant to be, it’ll be, it’ll be, baby just let it be,
Trust is one of those things you have to have in a relationship. I can’t imagine being in a relationship without it. She has to recognize there’s going to be contact between you since you have three kids together??
@seriously_1 you’d think. I get that she has trust issues because hello, THEY were having an affair, but maybe she should have considered that in the beginning.
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