Crazy busy

Got no excuses for not writing, just got crazy busy and fell out of the habit. I realized the other day I’d never done my dui class so I’m getting that scheduled, have a ton of things to gather together for that. Graduated outpatient, still going 2-3 days a week. Started a new refuge recovery meeting, busy with that… it’s all good busy, but I’m wiped out!  I’m within 2 cigarettes of quitting smoking, LOVE the chantix (Wellbutrin) and intend to talk to my psych about putting me on that as my antidepressant regularly. I feel MARVELOUS on it and the dreams absolutely kick ass!!


Despite being so busy, there’s not much to catch up on – still talking to Danny, that’s still not going anywhere lol, so I’m open to options.  Bought a tablecloth today in hopes I’ll keep my table clean, plus a new Steve Madden purse on sale for $20 down from $100, thanks to elder-beerman going out of business.


Trying to get plans together for the kids visit this summer. Jess hasn’t gotten back with me, so I may have to pester him. 🙄


Hope this finds you all happy, fat & sassy like me!

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