
    "You were talking in your sleep again.  Well, more like moaning….still sore?"  I don’t want to answer, not yet, because he’s still massaging my blown shoulder and if I answer then that means I’m awake and if I’m awake, then that means I have to get out of bed.  Stubbornly, I bury my face deeper into the pillow.  

    "Shsssh!"  Maybe I can shoo him gone.

    "Come on, darlin’," he persists, "if you stretch a bit you’ll be able to move better."

     I don’t think he’s going away and I smell coffee nearby so with a sigh, I try to stretch it out.  "You know, I’m just not healing from the car accident like I thought I would."

    "Honey, you weren’t in a car accident."  He’s bemused.

     "Well, not technically," I retort.

     Now he’s amused and laughing!  "Not technically is right.  Darlin’ I hate to break this to you but you might be getting too…….mfmpmmfpmmffff."  Just real hard to keep talking with a pillow stuffed in your mouth, isn’t it?


    He’s been peering intently at the same spot for a solid four minutes.  And why not, this is some very serious business.  Finally, he nods as if to assure himself and says, "Okay, Lama, it’s gotta go right here.  Are you holding me tight?"

    "Yes, baby, Lama’s holding you tight.  You stretch out there real long now and get your ornament on, I ain’t lettin’ go."  He always makes me smile, my Bubby.  It’s his first year up on the ladder and he’s real intent on doing it big.  I’m up there with him – behind him so he thinks he’s on his own, but still holding on so he’s brave enough to stretch his five year old body all the way to the near tippy top.  Perfect job!


    Something’s tugging at my shirt.  I lean down to hear Chloe whisper, "Lama, I know we shouldn’t put two ornaments together but I want to put mine with Nevaeh’s cuz she’s my best friend and she isn’t here with me anymore.  Can I do that just one time?"

    "’LoBug, I think that would be a fine thing to do."  Goldilocks, I think. She always reminds me of Goldlilocks.


    "Mommy," Danielle worries as she looks at the ornaments laid out neatly on the couch.  "How come Lama has so many ornaments with pictures of Bubby on them?"

    "Those aren’t Bubby, honey," Mommy scoops her up and starts showing her the ornaments one by one.  "These are pictures of your daddy and Uncle Chuck that Lama has had for a long, long time.  All the boys here look the same."

    Not impressed, Danielle replies, "Well, then, if they are all going to like alike, how come she just don’t put up just ONE and it can be for all of them!"


    Something zooms by Papa and he shouts, "Noah! No flying in the house!"

    He’s answered with a crash from the dining room.

    And a teeny, tiny, all too familar, "I sorwy!"


    The bottom third of the tree is filling up pretty fast so Kali and Carly busy themselves quietly redirecting ornaments from the lower branches and moving them up when the little ones aren’t watching.  Amy asks the girls, "What are you getting for Christmas?

    They take turns going over their mental wish list and then Kali says, "We’re adopting an orphan this year too."

    "Another kid!"  Chloe exclaims, "Seriously?"

    Kali ruffles those long blonde locks, "No, squirt, not another kid for here.  Carly and I are taking part of our Christmas and part of our allowance to adopt a kid in a poor country and be their big sister sponsers.  We will be able to provide their water, send them to school, and get them clothes this way.  We can write them and they can write us, but they will still live in another country."

    Danielle chimes in, "Hey, can you adopt Bubby and SEND him to another country?"

    A pinecone flies across the room.


    Uncle Lonnie is teasing Chloe about talking to young Jack a whole bunch at our Thanksgiving shindig.  Chloe, face red, is having none of this.

    "Uncle Lonnie.  I don’t like Jack.  He’s like a boy from a planet with an alternate reality where people whine all the time!"

    "LoBug," Lama’s gentle, but firm, "We don’t call people whiners."

    "Lama, technically I wasn’t CALLING him a whiner."  I don’t know where she gets this from.

    "Technically, darlin’, youwere calling him a whiner.  Hot cocoa?"


    The hot cocoa comes out just fine and we carry our cups outside to sit in the yard and watch Papa and the neighbors turn on all the lights.  Noah, worn out from another full day of flying, comes in for a landing on my lap to snuggle up and gaze serenely at the glitter all around.  If he holds still long enough he’ll fall asleep like he always does but first he takes in everything his little eyes can take in and then proceeds to let his eyes start to droop.

    "Lama, " he whispers, full of little boy wonderment.  "Is Christmas magic?"

    "Well, Doodle, something very magical happened at Christmas, that’s for sure," I whisper back, petting his head and holding him close.

    Chloe whispers to everyone, "Listen, everybody, Lama’s going to talk about Jesus again."



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November 28, 2011
November 28, 2011

I think it glorious how you parent these precious children. RYN; gator tail sur nuf counts! And leftover tail sandwiches would be a treat as well. Your hunting ministry is fantastic…in fact the same provided us with venison last Friday. One of my favorite passages comes to mind, of feeding and clothing the least of these. Nice your children are learning this and acting on it while so young!

November 29, 2011

I know I say it to much but you always make me smile and I do think I remember asking you to adopt me once….guess I am to big to be adopted…lol….we are planning to go to DW next year December, Shari decided she wanted to go then too….it most likely will be our last trip there as we don’t fly anymore due to all the stuff you have to go through, and I have said I will fly only on the occassion of a death, etc.situation….and yes Christmas is magic even in the eyes of an old lady…huggs

November 29, 2011

We enjoy putting together food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas at our church. People respond by bringing in tons of food. A lot of work. but some of these folks would not have Christmas dinner with out it. A good ministry for our retired folks. They love delivering and praying with the less fortunate. I like your way also. Kids in other country’s need our Lord too.

November 29, 2011

i just loved this entry!! what sweet conversations. take care,

November 29, 2011

that Danielle is a girl after my own heart I think. Must be something in the name that carries all that sass and sarcasm lol

November 30, 2011

I had to stop reading after the first few paragraphs because my pure mind don’t want to hear your bedroom bed chatter. I am offended.

November 30, 2011

“He’s been peeing intently at the same spot for a solid four minutes?” I think it’s time for the biy to get fixxed or something. See? I knew I shouldenof read on.

November 30, 2011

“He’s been peeing intently at the same spot for a solid four minutes?” I think it’s time for the biy to get fixxed or something. See? I knew I shouldenof read on.

November 30, 2011

” “Yes, baby, Lama’s holding you tight?” Hey!!! You two should get a room or something. You really ought to watch what you write in here. Children read this stuff. Baby Boomie, this is not for you.

November 30, 2011

Question… when or if your nest is ever empty, will you still be decorating a large tree?

November 30, 2011

I LOVE to read your posts. They make me feel all warm and cozy. It’s like you’ve wrapped me up in a big bear hug every time I read about the amazing way you’re transforming these children’s lives. *hugs* Gail

November 30, 2011

I really loved this story. You obviously love your kids. I almost felt like I was there watching. Happy Holidays!

December 1, 2011

I heard all this chatter so I came to see what was the matter Never mind about Roo’s bladder I see you’re like a missionary who’d rather scatter Than stay at home and gather I see you’re not soft, plastic or lather So I guess I’ll talk with you later.

December 2, 2011

I asked Tuffy how many M’s are there in Mississippi? He sked, the river or state? Darn Johnny Rebs don’t even know their own history.

December 2, 2011

Thanks for the note, Lama. Not sure if I’m a “brainiac” but I certainly do spend a lot of time doing work! Thank you for your prayers for my test tomorrow. I really appreciate it! 🙂

December 2, 2011

Thank you, from my mom. She’s glad to be home to0. I have a miniature Schnauzer/Shih Tzu mix. She’s a little over a year old. I’ll have to tell you how I got her. Last January I opened the door to get the mail, and this ball of fur ran in and sat on my rug like she belonged there! After an admittedly half-hearted search for her owners, I decided to keep her. She is a happy, healthy ball of energy, and I am blessed to have her.

December 3, 2011

Oh, so you met Mara! I’m going over to check on her later if not sooner. Found some very interesting vids on writer’s apps I’ll share sooner. Hey, I know what an ipod is, I just had a senior moment. I was insulted by a news report about this elderly man who fought off a robber. The elderly man was 60.

December 5, 2011

The river has three M’s in it. MMMississippi if you prnounce it right. Now you spelled it right but you can’t say it right. It’s southern drawl to day it right. Listen to Paula say “Yall” and practice Termi. LOL

December 6, 2011

RYN: Thank you! This was actually from this past Saturday when we ran in the 5K that’s part of the St. Jude Marathon Weekend. Next year we’ll be doing the half-marathon! 🙂

December 7, 2011

*smiles* Always a blessing to spend time with your family my friend…and what a blessing for those kids, too!

Hey Merry Christmas Happy holidays and holydays to you