
Hey folks! So.. just a week of school left.. one paper, one take home final, one in class essay and a project presentation. I had three of my finals last week, I did ok on my health. I don’t know how I did on my sociology of gender essay… probably ok.. and I totally bombed my Muslim test. I really just don’t understand political Islam or the current events of today or the historical events leading up to them.. I don’t know why the middle east is so war ridden. I care, but I just don’t get it.

Anyway, I’m stressed. Theres no doubt about it. I have so much to think about, so much to worry about. finals, moving out, depressed friends, saying goodbye to people I care about but will probably never see again, getting all my stuff organized in my dorm room so i can move out, trip to canada right after school is out, moving to canada in august, getting my transfer credit in line, wondering if/when nathan is going to get accepted to school.

Molly and I are still fighting. I still don’t know the real reason why she was so mad at me. But we are both being stubborn about it. Meta tried to get us to make up but it didn’t work. Neither of us want to be the first to talk. Neither of us think we have anything to be sorry for. It still really bothers me a lot that she thinks of me and my life in that way. It seems hypocritical of her, to me. On the other hand, maybe our friendship just wasn’t built to last long distances and different opinions. We’ve both changed. Maybe its just time to move on. My only regrett is the effect it will have on our mutual friends.. Unless they abandon us both or choose one or the other, they will get pulled into this mess whether they want to or not.

And here.. oy. all is such a big mess, and as much as i’ll miss the friends ive accumulated here, I really can’t wait for this to be over. I told Joanna off about everything shes done to natalie, I and some of our other friends. she is going to be down here on monday in order to sell her books.. i hope she doesn’t try and find me. I can’t face her right now.

Anyway.. its bed time for me. if I can sleep…

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Whew, and here i thought i had lots to worry about just getting up every morning! Hang in there hayley! I love you! Yours always, Nathan

Bah, don’t worry about me – I’m actually seeking the help I need this summer. I’ll miss you a lot, but as long as you’re happy, I’ll be happy. -Nami-san

May 10, 2004

*HUGZ* I think that’s what you need right now. And Peter Pan is hot. ^_^