
>I have a huge headache.
>In general, life is good. Nathan and I get along pretty well. I love him more than anything. I guess I’ve gotten pretty naggy lately… and I don’t really want to, but I get so frustrated sometimes. Its not his fault though. I’m just a bit homesick, and I miss Gure-san and Haruko and L-chan a lot, and my friends from home, and my family.
>I finally got my new computer today. I should be happy about it… its good computer.. it runs fast and it runs The Sims 2.. But I dunno.. I’m not as excited about it as I should be. Just getting it caused me a lot of worry (because Dell never sent me a confirmation), not to mention I didn’t really want a dell in the first place… but it seems to be pretty much the only thing with customizable options that you can get in Canada. Its full of so much crap that it was apain in the butt to wade through it all and  I still haven’t quite gotten everything the way I want it. I owe Nathan about $1800 CAD or so.. (Thats about $1400 for you Americans).. He refuses just to put it on my tab.
>Yuki is good…. I need to clean his cage tomorrow. He eats a lot
>My fish however are not so good. Nathan and I bought an aquarium about a month ago. I love fish, and we thought it would be fun. We started with 3 Marigold swordtails.. and the next week we bought several neon tetras, 4 leopard danios, and 2 catfish (one I named Shigure after my ex roomate and good friend, T-chan and the white one I named Ayame after T-chan’s nickname for me). All of the neon tetras died withen 6 hours. We rushed to the petstore so that they could do a more thorough water test on our sample, and we apartently had a lot of ammonia in our water. It was sad, but at least there was an explanation. Then the fish were fine for awhile and we decided to buy some male fancy guppies. We fixed the water levels by changing out half of it… this involved taking out all of the fish (though we probably didn’t really have to) and putting them in a pot, then adding new water and conditioning it for awhile. before we had the pot covered, one of the danios jumped out onto the floor… nathan rescued her, but when we were adding the fish back into the tank we noticed that another one of the danios was missing.. we lifted the pot and there she was.. the poor thing had been out of the water for a whole half an hour… but suprisingly she recovered and is just fine now. anyway, to make a long story short… all of the swordtails are dead… we tested out the ammonia again and it was high. we switched out half of the water, cleaned the gravel.. we tested the ammonia and ph again and it was fine. 3 guppies died after that. Shigure died today after playing oppsum for the last 2 days. I’m really destroyed over that. We are down to the 4 danios… man they are tough.. 2 guppies and Ayame the catfish. I don’t even know why the others died. I started crying tonight when one of the guppies was resting on the gravel, not really moving. It was still alive, but that isn’t exactly normal guppy behavior. Nathan took out some of the water so that our filter would put more oxygen into the water… the guppy seems to have mostly recovered… so maybe that was it… not enough bubbles. Hopefully we won’t have anymore casualties anytime soon… but I really feel like shit over the whole thing. I feel so bad, like I’m the cause of their death… and I guess I am partially responsible…. :'(
>Anyway… for brighter news… This weekend Nathan’s parent’s came down to visit us and deliver our new used car and traded it for nathan’s old one. So, yay! Newer car that is insured by the Saskatchewan government and that I can drive! I haven’t driven for a few months so I need to ease back into it though.
>Classes are going ok, although… they are pretty boring. At least I don’t get much homework from them.. all of the grades seems to consist predominantly of the Mid-term and Final exams and perhaps by a paper or a lab component. I’m pretty sure I am goring to major in philosophy. What am I going to do with the major? No clue, but it fascinates me and I love it. I wish we would move on from Descartes though.
>Anyway.. it is late and I should be getting to bed. Maybe I will try to write soon… but don’t revolve your life around it.

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September 28, 2004

fish are very fragile, they die a lot. At least theyr’e not expensive. I do hope the rest survive though.

September 28, 2004

I would need a wall sized calendar to get everything on it in an organized way. Thats why I gave up on my “master calendar”, it was too chaotic. It stressed me out to look at it. Thanks for the suggestion though! By the way, do you know yet if you will be coming home for Christmas?