Bittersweet Freedom

I have a gigantic headache. I don’t really know why. maybe because I was up until 4am working on my final project for Sociology of Gender and i woke up at 11. It really does feel good to have everything over with. My project was a success, I believe.

but.. all day, I was in a pretty solemn mood. i didn’t want to say goodbye to anyone, but I knew it was coming. I never cried, but I was and still am pretty sad. Teresa is one of the best friends I’ve ever had, especially after Molly’s and my falling out. I will probably not see her for a long time, but I am determined to see her again sometime. I’ll miss everyone else too.. Leslie and Katie. Hopefully I will get to see Natalie and Amanda this summer. Amanda doesn’t live too far from me and Natalie is going to be coming down to the cities frequently for concerts.

However even though I will miss my friends very very much, I will not miss Superior much, and I am looking foward to living with Nathan next year. Maybe i’m just naive, but i think it will be extremely fun. Nathan and I get along so well. I get to see him in 8 days. my mom and I are gonig to Regina for the first time to go apartment hunting, and Nathan is flying down to Regina to meet us. Then we are driving him back home and spending a week in Edmonton. and then.. driving back. (if you look at a map, this is a pretty long drive) My mom is really a great woman. I haven’t really talked about her much, but she bends backwards for me and supports me in almost anything I want to do. But.. she deserves an entry by herself. or 10…. or 100.

Anyway, I am pretty tired. I wanna write more but i can’t. I’m going to bed early tonight and sleeping in late. I deserve it. and tomorrow is the only day of rest at home before getting out on the road to Canada. So…. au revior!

I’ll miss you T-chan, Leserly, Kaede, Grandpa and Usagi :'(

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We miss you already, dearest Hayley. -Nami-san

May 15, 2004

It really doesn’t seem like it’s over all ready. ;.; I keep on thinking, “When I go back on Sunday…” but I’m not this time. 🙁 I’m gonna miss you this summer, and next year and everything. I’m so glad I got to know you, though. *hug*