Happy Birthday, to the most handsome man….


Sam is (finally) 29! It always feels like ages from the time I get older, to when he catches up to me!

I got for him a copy of Nick Offermans book, Paddle your own Canoe. I won’t lie, I’m excited to read it also after he’s done! 

Living in Fort Mac leaves a lot to be desired when birthdays come around. There are a couple of ideas I have in mind, but no way to execute them… Grr.

i finished Amanda’s birthday scraf, and I’m working on One for Inez, which will be late because I need to order more yarn! Sam gave me a 200 budget for my yarn order,  whose birthday is it, his or mine?! I’m extremely excited about this haha.

Everyday my skin gets better, even the original eczema patches on my inner elbows are clearing up, so here’s hoping. I’m getting back into school reading, I have a lot to catch up on, so I really should be keeping my nose in my books.

thats it for today, will try to write a proper entry when my computer is back!

Xo OD!

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I want to order yarn! And crochet hooks! I was at my grandparent’s place this week and I picked up this huge blanket that she’s crocheting so she taught me the stitch.. I’m hooked (no, pun NOT intended)! So much faster than knitting too. Happy Birthday to Sam! I’m next for the big 2-9. Eep.

Oh ps. which places to do recommend me going to for wedding dresses? I was told that Sinders is awesome..

November 20, 2013

ryn: I love that note. It was so on point…and FYI you’ve just proven that you know me more than most ppl I know in person haha. thats uplifting 🙂