Joe was not the man I believed he was…

I am so drunk and angry right now, and quite frankly, I don’t care!

I just found out that Joe had cheated on me… with Nathan’s girl, Emily.

He used me, and used Nathan, to get ahold of Emily.

I thought it was funny she showed up at the dig this summer. I was very perplexed and uneasy… and with him rebuking my advances… Yeah, well, I know where I lie in the scheme of things.

I sincerly thought he was a much better person than this… that he would never cheat on me…

But now i find out that he was trash talking me to his friends.

I’m just that like ‘worthless bitch of a mother’, and that I’m lazy and ‘demand to be waited on hand and foot’, and ‘expect too much out of him’.

Well, fuck him.

Fuck him and his horse he rode in on, and fuck her too!

I am very ver low matientence. Just love me, trust me, and cuddle me, and all’s well in my world.

I worshiped the ground he walked on… now I know how corrupt it is.

He shut down his email address, after he PROMISED me, that he would always leave it open so I could write and talk to him… that he wanted to be my friend…

Some fucking friend… I can only imangin the type of lies he told Emily about me… after all, he told everyone else I’m lazy, and I bust my fucking ass of in RETAIL. The BANE of the work enviroment…

So you know what?

I hope he lives a very very long life. In fact, I hope he dies bitter and tormented and realizes that he used so many people for this one girl… who is nothing better than himself.

Anyone who would sleep with someone who is in a relationship… well, they can go to hell to, right along with him.

So here you go, Patricia:

Fuck Joseph Charles Shaffer. I hope he rotts, and I hope he’s happy fucking someone who’d cheat on another… and I hope he’s happy that he’s totally destroyed whatever faith I’ve had in the opposite sex. I forgo any children and any relationship with any man ever again. Ever. I don’t want to ever, ever be put in this position again.

All my former boyfriends cheated on me, why the fuck shouldn’t he? I’m a door mat.

I have ‘WALK ON ME’ written all over…

After all, I am a lazy, demanding bitching who expects to be waited on hand and foot who’s just like the worthless bitch of a mother…

And if I am like my mother, I’m damned proud. I’m so happy. I adore my mother… she drives me nuts, but I wouldn’t be the person I am without my mother’s love and guidance.

So fuck you, Joe. Seriously. Rott in hell. Whatever friendship you wanted from me, shove it right up your own self-rightous ass, you monster!

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