What Do I Want To Respond To You For???

Yeah, so Dan’s been here because he and Mike went out someplace earlier today, and Mike just took the N64 upstairs so he and Dan can play Smash Brothers. Mike asks if I’m sure I don’t want to play, and Dan immediately says, “She’s positive, let her type,” etc., etc., etc. Then, says something to me, and I’m just sitting here, waiting for the page to load, and he says, “Respond with something?” So I said, “How about let me talk for myself?” Then, he goes upstairs, and I’m sitting here, mouthing to myself, “What do I want to respond to you for????” God, he annoys the Hell out of me. This is what’s constantly happening to me, and it drives me insane. Mike is a freakin’ moron for not being able to see who Dan really is. I mean, God! It’s just . . . I mean . . . ARGH!!!! Correction:


Okay, that’s enough for that. Normal ranting that no one is going to listen to a word of, because no one is going to believe it of the “wonder boy.” ::Sighs:: Yeah, I know that some people, through some giant cosmic joke, are actually friends with him, but frankly, I find him to be an insufferably annoying, holier-than-thou (worse than Sue or Ryan ever were), arrogant, idiotic, know-nothing-know-it-all ass. To quote John Lennon from Hard Day’s Night, in regards to Dan, “You’re a swine.” (Hey, Dolly, you still laugh at that title?) In other news, my room was thoroughly cleaned out and I’m gonna finish the sorting stuff tomorrow, and do the rest of the work so that it’s done, once and for all. My eyes feel . . . semi-better. I can’t believe I have allergies now. Or AN allergy to something, anyway. I have a lot more sympathy to people with allergies, or sinus problems, or whatever now. I mean, this has been driving me crazy. At least I’m being figuratively driven somewhere, though, because I don’t completely trust myself to drive. Not to mention that I somehow need to vaccuum out my car, because whatever’s in there seems to be helping out the redness and irritated feeling in my eyes. Oh, yeah. That was an annoyance. Can you believe, that after being told I’d gotten above average marks for attendance and availability, I was written up for the two times that I called out this past week because of my eyes? They claimed that ‘since they weren’t informed, the store opened late, and the deposit wasn’t able to be made.’ Frankly, I’m just like, “You know what? F**K the damned deposit, my eyes felt like someone had placed sandpaper under my upper eyelids!!! I wasn’t f**kin’ driving anywhere! I wasn’t even able to drive to Pathmark, which is like, five fricken’ minutes from my house to pick up the damned prescription for my eyes!!!!” I swear, this is the second time in a month that I’ve considered just walking out of the store, saying, “That’s it, I quit.”

I swear, anyone who puts up with things like this with their eyes more than once or twice a year should be awarded a medal. I salute you, oh poor people with allergies. I now stand among you.

I have a lot of pent up rage right now . . .

Okay, anyway. Songs for the Strawberry Festival. I definitely want to do Bring me to Life. And I want to do either Come Sail Away or Longest Time in honor of Jason, cuz I know that those are two of his favorite songs. Or at least ones he really likes. American Pie is just a good song that I’ve wanted to sing for some public thing since my sophomore year of high school. Breathe, the one by Liz Phair is just a good song that I’d love to do. I Stand Alone is a great song from a great movie, and it not only relates to me. Song for the Lonely is one I love singing and it’s definitely one I sound good doing. Beautiful Night, though, I’d like to do as a duet with Ryan, because he and I want to perform something there together. Argh. I hope this eye thing doesn’t crop up again during the Strawberry Festival. Then again, if it does, it almost doesn’t matter, because I can sing with my eyes closed. And even though my nose tends to run at very inopportune times, I can still sing despite it. It doesn’t clog my throat or anything. So that’s good. Argh again. I’m no closer than I was before to figuring out the Strawberry Festival songs. Okay, you know wat I’ll do? Shannon’s finding me the songs as it is. I’ll see what she finds, and I’ll see how easily I can sing the different ones. Because I don’t have much time to practice. Eh. I’ll figure out somthing.

Okay, I’m going now, since I’ve actually written a long entry. By the way, Dolly? Your suggestions do hold a bit more weight than most.


Again..very amusing commentary about Dan (even though he is my friend, even if by cosmic joke) *lol* Oh well. Your Job sucks!!!!! It reminds me of the bullshit I dealt with at Marshalls. Get out before you have a breakdown! Find a new job! Good Luck with everything!!!!! [SolarEclipse]
Ever think that maybe Mike sees the true Dan and you don’t? He has a bond with his brother that you will never have or accept. it’s like that with families. Most people (including myself, most of the time) think Peter’s a jerk, but I still see his few good points and love him despite the fact that he’s “a swine.” And, no, I don’t laugh @ the title. I’m not the perve I used to be. [HyacatDuncan]
ryn: it won’t be until after the 25th, that I see a doctor, but I’ll post the results as soon as I know. Thanks for the tip, by the way. [Ron Henry]

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