Ready To Kick Butt, Despite The Sore Ankle!!!
My Mood: — In Pain . . .
My back still hurts and my ankle’s throbbing. The back pain’ll go away as soon as I start moving around, but the ankle . . . Heh. Yeah, delivering pizza today is gonna be “fun.” Ugh . . . I just hope I get good tips.
I’ll survive somehow. Just guaranteed, it’s gonna hurt. The best thing I can do is wrap it with an ace bandage, though, and hope for the best. ::Sighs::
Anyway. I’m not gonna go down to the gym today, cuz ten bucks says that I won’t get off till around ten and the gym closes at eleven. But on Wednesday, I am going down there. Basically, I’m going to say the whoever’s at the front desk that I wasn’t called back by woever it is at the number they gave yesterday, here’s my receipt for the sixty dollars in cash that they gave me, and I want it refunded. Then, I’m going to tell them to fix it so that money is not, I repeat, NOT taken out of my credit card by them again. It was done without my knowledge and could have financially royally screwed me over and if it does happen again with my knowledge/consent, I’m seeing what legal action I can take against them.
I mean, I can understand this having happened if, say, I hadn’t gone down to pay the dues until April 1st itself. But I went there on March 31st, in the early afternoon, she printed me a receipt from the computer, so I know it went through there, and yet this happens. I DID NOT FREAIN’ AUTHORIZE THIS!!!!
I am checking out legal options, though, cuz if this happens again, there better be something I can freakin’ do against that gym. Honestly, I regret ever becoming a member. I did it too quickly. I should have checked out closer ones. Hell, I should have just said, “No, I don’t want to fill out all this stuff, I just want to know about the payment plans.” ::Sighs:: Live and learn, I suppose.
In other news . . . Okay, there really isn’t any other news. ::Shrugs:: I’m thinking about who could be a fourth person for the apartment venture. I’m also wondering if it’d be better if Mike and I just struck out on our own in a two bedroom place. They’re less expensive, obviously, and we could handle it better. But then what’ll Colleen do? I guess I’ll see what happens in July. I hope I can actually save up money between then and now, though. I’ve got this two hundred to pay off on the credit card, there’s Mom’s one fifty for this month, there’s the cell phone, there’s car insurance by May 1st . . . All in all, this does not make for happy Kate. I’m gonna see what I can do, though. Unfortunately, my insurance is gonna go majorly up because my car now has to be under the category of “businees,” since I use it for work. I think I’m gonna see about checking into getting my own insurance. Maybe I can do a quarterly thing or something. Find out if somewhere else would be slightly cheaper. Maybe see if Geico is really as good as they say. I don’t know.
::Sighs:: I hate being an “adult” sometimes. But I guess I have to learn about this stuff sooner or later. I just wish I’d had some prior knowledge of all this stuff instead of learning as I go. I mean, I find it funny. My parents, or dad at least, always said how much he hated having to learn stuff as he went, and it was better to have at least some prior knowledge and blah, blah, blah. There’s this one story I remember him saying about some art class he could have taken in college, (I think,) but he figured, no that’s not my field, I’m not gonna need it. And don’t you know, soon enough, he’s regretting not taking that class, because soon enough, he’s learning the stuff on the go?
So why couldn’t they take that and apply it to me? I mean, what’s so hard about taking, “It’s better to learn this stuff earlier than to be shoved into a sink or swim situation,” and applying that to my life?
I wish that I had saved some amount of money from the time I was a kid. I mean, think about it. How many kids get an allowance? And it’s usually, like, five bucks a week or something like that. If the kid just put two fifty of that away each week, how much would he have in a year? I know, kids don’t think about the long term, not really, but still. Honestly take a moment to contemplate it. I mean, there are a hundred and eighty days in a school year. My mom gave me three dollars a day to buy lunch. If I had put one dollar of that aside per day, I’d’ve had a hundred and eighty dollars at the end of the year! And if I had done that all four years, I could’ve had seven hundred and twenty dollars!
If I’d saved all my money from the jobs I’ve had, I’d probably have about ten thousand dollars now. And what do I have to show for all of that? Thirty bucks in my bank account, credit card hassle, and about fifty dollars in change.
::Sighs:: Well, that’s changing. I’m gonna make it change. I’m gonna save up as much as I can, (asuming I can save any while still taking care of the bills . . .) I’m somehow gonna get ahead of the bills, and I’m going to have two thousand saved up by July 15th. I know, that really doesn’t seem like that much in today’s world, but right now, for me, it is a good amount. It’s something realistic that I can shoot for. Heck, I’ll pretend I’m buying a macaw. Cuz two thousand would cover the bird and a good sized cage for it.
Honestly, I’m not gonna get anymore animals while I’m living here, but once I’m out on my own, whether that be just me and Mike, or me, Mike, Colleen, and whoever, I’m gonna see about buying the rest of my birds. I’ll see what my schedule is like, cuz if it’s too busy, I probably won’t want to get a cockatoo right away. Maybe I’ll start with the Caique. The only thing that sucks is Canaryu Bird Farm, where I would definitely get a low price for one, doesn’t carry them. The woman there hates those birds.
Okay, I’m gonna go.
In any case, FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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