Pissed Off Rant
My Mood: — I’m Gonna Kill Something!
Okay, so I went to work today and that was pretty good. I’m not complaining about that. I actuallu like working at Keansburg. Just don’t have me deliver pizzas in that area . . . Oh. My. God. I am NEVER doing that again!!! So anyway, that whole problem with the gym? Well, it still hasn’t been solved. At least, I haven’t heard anything to convince me of such.
I came home from the park, an hour and a half late, btw. The girl who was supposed to take over for me never showed up. If she’s the same one as I was talking to yesterday, she said she wanted to quit. So I’m willing to bet that’s what she did. Anyway, I came home and decided I would go down to the gym and basically raise Hell until I got some kind of result in my favor.
It turns out the place closed at four. Luckily, I called instead of driving down there, but still. Tomorrow, I’m gonna go down there and raise Hell and not leave until I have my cash back. Then I’m gonna take said cash and I’m gonna deposit it into my account. And I’m gonna do the same with both my paychecks this week. I should get paid a little over seventy from the park. Domino’s, I’m not sure. I probably have about twenty, twenty-five hours on there, so that’ll give me about a hundred. Woo-hoo! I’ll have almost two hundred to put in my account! Yay! I’ll be one-tenth of the way there.
Okay, so other than the gym thing and that my feet hurt, I’m actually in a good mood. I have tomorrow completely off, so I’m gonna use that time to hang up my clothes and really clean my room. Blah . . . I have to use my day off to clean. How much does that suck?
Oh, well. I’ll make good tips this week, too. That’s my fun money, but I think I’ll put some of it in the bank, too.
Okay, I don’t have too much more to write about. I’ll have more tomorrow, though, after I go down to the gym and raise Hell. I mean, it just pisses me off that tomorrow will be the third time I’ve gone down there, I’ve called that customer service number twice, faxed the thing to the number customer service gave me, and haven’t heard a single thing. So I’m gonna call the credit card thing tomorrow, see if the sixty was put back on there, and if it wasn’t, I’m heading down.
It’s just ridiculous that I couldn’t get a refund when I went down there the second time. I mean, I paid for the damn thing there!! That means they have some method of accepting payment, which means they have a safe or register or something to put said accepted payment in.
I swear, if I find out that, without my knowledge, the second sixty was put on May’s payment, I’m still gonna complain, because that was not authorized by me, I was not informed of it, and I said from the start I wanted a refund.
Okay, I’m really gonna go now. I’ll write more on what happens tomorrow.
ryn; actually, the psychologist that diagnosed me with OCD was wrong. Amy had read off the meaning of the word of it, and asked me questions that related to OCD to me. i’ve answered her honestly. she had said, ‘nora, you don’t have OCD.’ so, ‘OCD is the root of my problem’, you say??? No. No, it’s not. Thanks for your thoughts, though… 🙂
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lol ull be ok, u have friends so ya.
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