Okay, Taking A Break
Okay, I’m taking a break from the people entries. The diary rater, who left a note on my diary and rated mine, said in their other diary that they wanted to be rated, but they only found sucky raters and yada, yada, yada. So, I decided, I’ll rate hers.
Okay, checking diary again. Hang on.
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Okay. First off, I like the color scheme. It creates an interesting twilight-y feeling and gives the impression of the writer liking the outdoors and outer space, etc.
I don’t like the size of the font, it’s hard to read unless you’re sitting on the screen, but again, the color scheme works well.
I like the things that are on the front page, and the entry titles. I like how some of them draw you in because of curiosity, and others have nothing to do with what is written.
So, all in all– nicecolorsbutchangethefontsizeilikewhatsonthefrontpageanohbythewayPROFESSORFRINK??????
That was almost… well, it was pointless.
proffessor frink whaaaaa? –samunderani