My Red Binder

Okay, this is one theme thing that I have to write on. I saw the greatest movie ever two years ago, on, I believe, December 20th. Fellowship of the Ring. Then, the next year, saw Two Towers, and four times so far this year, have seen Return of the King. I love those three movies. The acting, the special effects, the plot, everything was incredible. I mean, we’re talking the classic tale of good and evil, an epic adventure with mayhem and love and . . . everything, really.

Odd. I’ve been reading over my red binder. I found something interesting that Jason once said to me. “Sure enemies are better than unsure friends.” I don’t know the circumstances surrounding the conversation, and Jason wouldn’t say something like that out of the blue. He has a purpose for saying lines like that. He’s right, though. I’d rather be in a roomful of people I knew hated me, than in a room with one person who I wasn’t sure where they stood. Joey also said something interestng to me. That I have many different sides, and . . . Well, I think I’ll just copy it in here.

“It’s interesting. You have many sides to you.In person, you’re always this happy-go-lucky, carefree,joyous person. Online, you’re a tortured soul in searchof friendship, acceptance, and peace. Unfortunately, Ithink others don’t see the other sides of you. They areblind to your pain. I regret to say, if we didn’t talkso much online, I would be just as oblivious to thisas the simpletons that surround you. I wish i could help you more, but alas, I can only offer you a friend to talk to. I want you to know. I accept you for who you are. I feel better having known you. I pray you find peace someday.”

I liked reading that. He’s right. I do have a lot of different sides. Everyone does. I suppose this is sort of an extension of what Jason was saying about how much writing is an outlet of mine. I show my soul in my writing. If you look, this is me. The funny parts, the happy side of my life, depression, anger, pain, hysterical times, etc. It’s purely, one-hundred percent, me. And I find that I’m hiding less and less online. Sure, there are things that I purposely keep offline out of respect for the other person, or people, involved, but that’s not the same thing.

I don’t know. Righht now, I just seem to want to keep writing. I tried writing an E-mial to Joey again, but I only said about a fourth of what I wanted to write, I want to write in here, but I’m already running out of things to say, I want to work on my novel because I’m revamping the third. Man, am I gonna add a lot of stuff! Hmm . . . Maybe I’ll go work on that again.

Oh, btw, Dolly? Anytime in the afternoon, except on Wednesdays is good to call me. I usually work in the mornings, then I’m home the rest of the day, except Wednesday, when I’m visiting Jason.

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