Love Is . . .
Malloren asked that we write our opinion of what love is in notes to her so she can develop new characters based off it. I couldn’t fit this definition into a note, or even several notes, so I’m putting it here.
Love is . . . God. How do I describe this? Someone breaking a promise to you, and yet you still have faith in them, and truth them implicitly because you know they don’t want to hurt you. It’s when even spending ten minutes with someone makes your day, just because it means you saw them. It’s when you know that something has made a difference to someone, even if all you did was pat their shoulder. It’s when you can sit in silence with someone, yet have an entire conversation just between your thoughts.
Did that last one make any sense? Conversations through silence. Lol.
I think love is when you can give your heart and soul to someone else, and know that those things will be guarded by the strongest armor the other person has, because they are valued that strongly by the other person. They take you, your flaws, your anger your happiness, your scars, everything about you, and accept you as a beautiful, whole person, because what else could they ask for in this life?
I love this! [nude wiccan fetus]
Um. Does that exist? [HyacatDuncan]