Just Pissed-Off In General
My Mood:
Yeah, I’d say the little time bomb smiley does it. Mike called again a little before seven thirty: "Oh, Jess just got here now, so I’ll be back by eight thirty." It’s now nine-thirty, and he’s still not here.
So yeah. I haven’t eaten anything today and I know, that’s not good. I’ve basically had Barq’s all day.
On the upside, I looked through those classified’s and I found possibilities for four more jobs. One’s right near me. Only about ten minutes away, and it’s a waitressing gig. Same with the second one. The third is something for the Press itself, and that one starts at ten dollars an hour. So tomorrow, I’m gonna see about driving down there and filling out and application. I can hope I get that. Three days a week, six-thirty in the morning till three in the afternoon, and ten bucks an hour. The last one is an office job, nights and weekends, for seven-fifty an hour. So hopefully someting’ll come of one of them.
Well, Mike finally got here, about three seconds after I finished typing the "It’s now nine-thirty, and he’s still not here," sentence. And of course, he’s just shrugging off any blame, and brings my hedgehog down in an attempt to pacify me.
Needless to say, it hasn’t worked.
Why are guys such pieces of shit sometimes?
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