I got some advice from Mike Keller about Magic decks. He is right about what he said, and it’s something I definitely have to consider. Because I’d love to be a better Magic player. The thing is, how do I center a deck around certain cards, and have the right cards in there to get to the top cards? ::Sighs:: Yeah, confusing. Blah… Oh, well. I’ll make up a new deck, and see what it does against a deck of his. What kind of deck, I don’t know, though. That’s the annoying thing. I’ve seen his decks. I’ve seen how they work. They work exceptionally well, and usually, there’s a combo of maybe two or three cards, and he always sems to get said combo out by the fourth turn or so. Any and all other cards he gets out help out the main ones, but are basically auxillary. Hm. I think it’s time to go over my deck. Okay, I must go do this now. I’ll write more later.
The Dragons are powerful, but extreamly slow. Add faster cards, take out slower ones, A few dragons. Keep Darigaz and Crosis, and maybe MAYBE Rith, but drop Trava and Dromar. To be truly strong, they need to have entire decks built around them. I distroyed your deck because you never had the mana to play anything. Take out the liars, they will slow down mana production. Keep some in, but not all. [OrcDragon65]
I know it sound fun to build a deck out of all the Darogn, all the familiars, and all the battle mages, but they have no sinergy together. If I were you, i would choose three allied colors, and focus on the those, for example, if I chose red, I would play with Darigaz, and the Stormscapes. They all have black and green as alied colors. Look for combinations involving card with those colors. [OrcDragon65]
combinations involving those three colors, or two or even less. Darigaz’s direct damage ability works well with Furnace of Rath. Darigaz is slow, so add some cheap mana producers, Llanowar Elves do nicley here. To protect your self early on, add some goblins, or other chump blockers. Add some sheap burn spells. Add terminates if you have them, black can be utilized for it’s destruction ability. [OrcDragon65]
All you need from there are some things to deal with enchantments, and artifacts, Tranquility is wonderful, also Naturalize. I just gave you a blue print of an more efective deck. Slowly, change the deck, making it better. Mabey you like the speedy goblins, then you might drop Darigaz and the other two colors, and make a Goblin Sly deck, adding more cheap burn spells. This is how decks evolve. [OrcDragon65]
*shrugs* I’ve never played Magic, actually, I’m more into DnD myself… oh well hope you make a good deck! [Angel Knight]
what’s “Magic”? [Little Siamese]
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! [Little Siamese]