I found out that I was pregnant on Friday. I want to say that I don’t know what I’m going to do but it has been pretty much decided.
And before anyone says anything negative, I know. This is all my fault. About five months ago, I started having severe panic attacks about getting a blood clot (my cousin died of a pulmonary embolism and I have been scared ever since) so I decided to stop taking my birth control because I thought that would just add to my risk. Every time I’ve been to the gynecologist, I have asked about getting a tubal ligation and they have turned me down due to being under 30 and having only one child even though I have asked at EVERY appointment since my daughter was born 8 years ago.
So at that point, I was having unprotected sex. I know.
As I said, I already have an eight year old daughter and she’s very set on not having a sibling. Her father and I tried telling her that I was pregnant because we would, in the pits of our stomach, like to keep the baby. She has ALWAYS been very clear on never ever wanting a sibling. So when we told her she totally flipped out and was hysterically crying and asking why we wanted anyone but her. She said she wanted things to stay how they were and that she’s happy with it being the three of us. It was out of control. So I just told her it was a joke and laughed it off because I couldn’t deal with that. I could see the horror in her eyes and it’s not fair to completely change her life.
And no, my daughter is not one to flip out whatsoever. She is the sweetest child, extremely emotionally intelligent, and just all-around kind. Her behavior is exceptional. So I guess that makes me take her reaction so much more seriously.
Other than my daughter’s reaction, I wouldn’t really be thrilled about totally starting over again. We’d also have to get a bigger place immediately, redo a lot of our budgeting, etc. But I will say that if my daughter’s reaction was happy then I would probably keep the baby.
I have never had an abortion. I’m very scared and I’m angry. I feel anger deep inside and I don’t know what to do with it. My boyfriend pisses me off because I feel like he doesn’t have to go through anything – because he TRULY doesn’t. He doesn’t know what it will feel like. He doesn’t understand this fucking waiting time from now to then and what I feel like knowing that I have something inside of me that I can’t meet or care about. I feel like a horrible person. I’m not a religious person but I feel like bad juju will be put upon me for doing this but I see no other option. I really don’t. And I know a lot of people will say to just let my daughter get over it and that she will adjust. But I know she won’t. I can’t live with myself changing HER life when she has always said she didn’t want that to happen. I would feel terrible. It could change her personality forever if I just force her to live with something.
My appointment is on Saturday to get the abortion so I called the office so that they could verify my insurance. It was verified but I also let them know that I had lost my physical insurance card and they said that it would be a problem but they’ll let me know before Saturday if they can make an exception. Like what the fuck. I have a replacement coming but the estimated time of arrival is September 20th-25th. By then, I’ll be at the 10 week mark (unless I’m further than calculated, I used an LMP calculator) so then I wouldn’t be able to do the abortion pill at that point. I can’t get the other procedure….it will be disgusting. I can’t. Planned Parenthood is only open during the week so I also can’t do that because WORK. So that whole situation is awesome.
Idk, I’m just feeling kind of hopeless and pissed off right now.
Though I’ve never been in your shoes, there’s moments of having the scares. My scare happened most recently and I was plagued by the thoughts of having to go through what you now have to go through.
Mostly I just want to stop by an offer you some encouragement. The choice you are making is for you and for your family. Financially and emotionally. You don’t need a bigger reason beyond that.
As far as bad juju and negative energy surrounding the abortion, please try not to think like that. Souls and our higher purpose always find where they are meant to go – so this pregnancy not being meant to be – it will be okay. You can leave it at that. Even if your mind tries to tell you otherwise.
Im deeply sorry for the loss of your sister. I couldn’t imagine such a great loss. And you taking steps to stay healthy and well was not wrong. Even if it was stopping birth control – don’t feel like an idiot for doing what was right for you and your health. Your daughter deserves to have her mother.
Pregnancy happens. Even to people geared up on both sides with birth control.
You’re allowed to be pissed off. You’re allowed to be upset. You’re allowed to be sad. Life can sure be shitty sometimes.
I’m hoping this clinic can help you regardless of your insurance card too. You’re going through enough as is and hopefully they understand that.
Sending hugs your way. And please do continue to write here to get anything off your chest. This is a great little community and there are a lot of supportive and loving people in it that will read your words and respect your anonymity.
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Wow, that’s a lot to unpack. I’m sorry you are going through such a tough time. I hope you will be able to move forward with your current plans with no problems. And you might want to look for a new gynecologist. You have one child already. Men can get vasectomies anytime they want. But women – definitely not the same treatment. Your daughter is 8, and I would be concerned about using your daughter’s negative attitude as one of the main reasons for having an abortion. In 10 short years, she can leave and start her own life. Learning to share and work as a family are just a part of family dynamics. Be careful what you allow other individuals in your life to mandate your actions. You have a lot on your plate and the anger and fear are totally understandable. But having an abortion can be a difficult decision. Once you have made your decision and follow through, don’t allow yourself to fall into a pit of fear and negativity that you have somehow done an “evil” act and will be cursed. That is pure BS. I wish you well. Take care of yourself.
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I hope you don’t feel like you have to guard yourself on this site. If people are buttholes in their notes, they need to mind their own…this isn’t the place to push their own agenda on other’s…
Other than that, whoa – I feel for you and hope you find some peace in this all…
@strawberryjelly Aw, thank you so much. <3 I appreciate your kind words.
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