New from Pietech

Music: Never gonna cry (JV Mix) – Misia

Jpop goodness continues. A bit earlier they played Another Grey Day in the Big Blue World by Maaya Sakamoto. Mmmmm. Maaya-sama.

Heh. My fanboyness never fails to amaze, ne?

Music: Tonight, the Night – Bonnie Pink

I like Bonnie Pink. Oh yeah. *gets his groove on* Or something.

I really should wake up and like do some work, but damnit, I’m hungry and tired. Waaaaah.

Bah. This entry is pointless. Carry on.

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I’m supposed to be wroking and stuff, but I can’t wake up either. Thank you for helping me procrastinate 🙂 <3

June 5, 2003

What?! Why the fuck not?

I still like Maaya Sakamoto’s “Hemisphere” out of everything she’s released 😀

June 6, 2003

Not pointless, just without point. 😉

June 6, 2003

Dude, they DID! That was, you know, what Hans Blix and the U.N. team reported! Blix was shown the sites, and stated that nearly all of Iraq’s weapons had been destroyed. But of course, Bush stood up and said, Nay! They have secret weapons, hidden where no one will EVER find them, so we must bomb them now! Before they use them! And all his so-called evidence was false….