
So yeah. i haven’t used this phone to write an entry yet so i’m sure there will be mispelled words and missing punctuation.
i hate that i am so melancholy. i’m just so whatever about everything right now. i have no idea whats wrong with me sometimes. i just always find something to just be blah over. tonight its a bunch of things. mostly things i will never do or be. some of it i dont even want – i just don’t like that i can’t do it. i think it’s because everyone around me is having babies.. or getting married. and i’m never going to do either of those. i think seeing all the back to school pictures everyone is posting just got me thinking. honestly i don’t have an issue with the kid thing it just wasn’t in the cards.
my classes started back. i always feel like i dont have time for anything else. but i will finish this. i’ve never finished anything before. i shouldvgo to sleep. everything will look better in the morning.

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September 1, 2013

*hugs* Well, since you said you don’t have issue with the kid thing, I’ll skip that part, unless of course it is an issue, but you don’t want to make it seem like it is…& in that case, their is always invitro & donor goo… Anyway… On the marriage one…I know it’s a slow process, but the country is getting a bit smarter, bit by bit…Hopefully before too much longer it won’t be an issue anymore. Other than that…I think school tends to make the majority of us feel blah. *pokes @ it with sticks*

September 1, 2013

*hugs* Well, since you said you don’t have issue with the kid thing, I’ll skip that part, unless of course it is an issue, but you don’t want to make it seem like it is…& in that case, their is always invitro & donor goo… Anyway… On the marriage one…I know it’s a slow process, but the country is getting a bit smarter, bit by bit…Hopefully before too much longer it won’t be an issue anymore. Other than that…I think school tends to make the majority of us feel blah. *pokes @ it with sticks*