So I lost 2 lbs!

Yes, I know in the first couple of days the weight just flies off and it’s mostly water weight but I’m excited.  Watching the number go down keeps me motivated.  Hopefully, this time works.  Being a size 12 would be awesome, I’m fitting comfortable into an 18/20 which really blows.  This is the heaviest I’ve been by far and it’s only going to get worse if I don’t nip it in the butt now.

I’ve been eating really healthy in the last 2 days, trying to watch portion sizes, drinking nothing but water (still pop free, it’s been 3 full days and surprisingly it’s been kinda easy on that end.  Usually I can put a 2 liter away a day and that’s also unacceptable. 

Today I even did The Biggest Loser Max Cardio and I am going to alternate the Strength training every other day.  Also, I haven’t been just sitting on the couch like I usually do.  I did the dishes and put them away and even put some laundry away.  The weather is really bad right now or otherwise I would have gone walking at the track but driving in the snow isn’t worth it.  Plus I don’t want to start my body out with a really really high expectation.  1 day at a time.


In other news, Shawn and I have been talking a lot about marriage and when I came home yesterday from work he asked me to look at the computer screen.  Low and behold, there were images of wedding rings on the screen.   Squeel!!!   He says he isn’t buying anything now and he said it’ll be atleast another 2 years (which I hope he’s kidding)   We’ve been together 4 months short of 2 years and I’ve been living with him well over a year now.  And it takes almost a year to plan a wedding so that’ll be 3 years which would make me 28.  We talked about waiting a year to enjoy being married but if we waited that long we’d be starting a family as soon as that ring is on.  Plus, I want to space out my kids by atleast 2 years so I can enjoy seeing them grow so that really isn’t in my ally.  I told him I’d give him another year comfortably before I start to make how I feel very aware.  He told me if I quit being stubborn I might get asked before then. lol

Tonight he’s working with his brother doing construction stuff so I really won’t see him most of the night.  He’s already put in 10 hrs at work with his "real job."  So that makes for a long day for him. 

Tonight I was also supposed to go out with my friend Becky but she cancelled due to the weather which I am ok with.  I hate driving in it if I don’t have to.  There are too mamy idiots on the road and I like my car. lol

Work has been ok, we’ve had a lot of extra help these last days but it’s only short lived.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to stay as close to 40 hrs as possible.  I really can’t afford to not have that money.  My bills depend on that money. 

I’m getting hungry lol.   Time for dinner.

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