It’s 1:37am..and I’m up

Aside from my boyfriend being sick and taking nyquil that makes him snore like something fierce, I have a lot on my mind and that’s probably the reason why I can’t sleep when I have to work at 6am.  EWWWW!

In the last year that I have been dating Shawn, I’ve put on about 20 lbs.  I have a hard time looking at myself because my jeans don’t fit (I refuse to buy a bigger pair) My clothes are tight and I feel like complete crap.  Everywhere I look people are losing weight and perhaps it’s motivated me to maybe start back up again.   I’ve decided that I am going to throw basically all the crappy food out of the fridge and go shopping for "healthy stuff."  See, I used to be a vegetarian like 3 years ago.  In 4 months of eating as healthy as I knew how, cutting out pop and fried food and exercising every moment I wasn’t working I lost 24 lbs.  Not bad I’d say, I probably would have lost more if I didn’t drink as much as I did back then.  What can I say? I’m a sucker for a nice cold beer after I’m done with work.  My only fear is that what happens when I get down to the weight I want to be, do I still literally have to keep exercising the way that I am?  What if I don’t? Will I gain it all back?

When I stopped working at Johnnys, I put on 15 lbs because Johnny’s was my second job and I was walking almost 15 hours a day-not kidding.  Sheetz is so fast paced that I only get 1-20 minute break to sit down.  I was a server at Johnnys and I had to walk up and down steps to pick up my orders.

I think I am going to swear off the fried food again and the pop.  I know that the pop is probably what put on the newest 20 lbs.   Since it’s basically Shawn and I these days, I spend A LOT of time infront of the couch.  He’s put on probably a good 20 lbs too and it’s basically my fault.  All we eat anymore is pasta because it’s easy.    I didn’t really learn how to cook much of anything else because my mom worked swing shift as a nurse and she took us out to eat all the time.  

I am also kinda limited because I don’t really like a lot of different types of meat.  I’ll eat chicken (sometimes) but I’ve never tried lamb or pork chops.  I didn’t eat bacon until after I graduated highschool for goodness sakes.  So again, I’m not really a meat and potato kinda girl, I like pasta.  Pasta=BAD!

Shawn is getting tired (so am I actually) of just eating pasta so I do want to try cooking some new things, I just don’t like the idea of it being me who has to make everything because I’m lazy.


My goals:

Only eat out 1 time a week.

Learn how to handle chicken breast and be willing to try other types of lean meats.

Lose 5 lbs a month until I get to 60 lbs.  I figure this way it’s gradual so maybe I can keep it off and it’s a reachable goal.

Fit into a size 12 wedding dress.   No, Shawn hasn’t proposed yet but I know dresses have to be ordered like 8 months in advance so I better get a jump on things lol   I don’t want to buy a size 18 and then have them have to tailor it to a size 12.

Try to be more positive and write down in a book journal the calories and things I ate for the day.   This worked for me before.

Once I exercize for a month straigh and maintain physical activity at home, possibly sign up for a gym and make use of the swimming pool.  That’s to make me leaner and lose some unwanted arm weight that I have.

Learn portion control and actually apply it.  Also try to have 1 meat and 1 veggie be most of my meal and then another side for my main dishes.

Learn to snack on little things like non fat yogart, cottage cheese and nuts that are good for me

I am going to buy a scale and weigh myself everyday starting tomorrow.


**Maybe since all this is written out I’ll be able to sleep.

I am going to take a few post it notes and start writing little reminders or rules like on the fridge -"did you eat healthy today"

or on the couch "must exercise for 45 minutes before you can sit here" 

I think what I am doing is a pretty good start, if only I can stay away from the pop..the pounds should drop


One day at a time…




Does anyone know how to dress up a chicken breast that’s low in calories and can be grilled on a George Forman grill?


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Well you guys working at sheetz…made my day. Sheetz is a fab place to stop at night while traveling across the USA, i’ts SAFE..and lit up like a whole city. THANKS for working…so we can all be safe at night.

January 10, 2011

Good luck! I am hoping to lose about 20 pounds. I don’t really drink pop, but I know I certainly didn’t need the extra calories! 🙂