poetry thoughts

Torin’s 24/7 challenge is making me think again about writing more haiku.  I wrote a mini zine during one of the local zine library’s annual 24 hour zine challenge that was all haiku.

I like haiku for the same reason that I like twitter, it is short.  I don’t see writing one every day but maybe a few.  At one point I tried to write some knitting haiku, don’t know what happened to those scraps of paper.

In the meantime:



There is even a book called knit one haiku too

http://lisadaehlin.wordpress.com/2010/06/27/flower-ku-blooms-in-harlem-crochetknithaiku/ (scroll down a bit to find the poems)


I still have one hat, one scarf, one blanket and 1 necklace ongoing at the moment:)  There is at least one necklace, one button scarf and a few finger puppets that need sewing up or finishing off but the knitting part of each of those is finished.

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August 8, 2010

Mote often inspires me when she takes on forms I’m not familiar with. I’ve never seen a triolet before, myself; I just went looking for poetry formats and it stood out. Haikus are also fun. I’ve hit three formats of poetry so far and one free verse in seven days. Hmmm. With a smile…