busy busy

Life has been flying by.  I am sure that I have had lots of post because my heart has been full of emotions.  Ongoing joy and sorrow over dd.  Ongoing joy and sorrow over son #1, he was here (joy!!!) and his partner has now moved from Halifax to Winnipeg to live with him so I don’t know when they will be here next (sorrow!!!).

We got a large amount of tax money recently as a result of a reassessment.  It has lightened our load financially but reminds me that money, having it or lacking it, is just money even though really I am thankful for the needed windfall and am happy to be able to consider getting new glasses and having dh get some dental work done.

I finished the baby blanket and my friend loves it even though I wasn’t crazy about the finished result.

I know that sometime, probably sooner rather than later, we will be moving to a smaller house so we continue to "declutter" our house even though I really object to that term because I don’t think what we are giving away is clutter.  So far, we have rehoused most of our lego and playmobil, many books and there is a pile of stuff waiting to go to the dump and run too:



Tired today from not enough sleep and worry over free ranging teenaged son and it is gray and awfully cold out there, not my favorite weather by a long stretch.

Dd has started circus classes which is bringing more joy to her week which in turn brings me joy and sunshine. 

I am waiting to get a pattern so I can start making some of these wonderful knitted and felted dolls:




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