I have been searching my heart and trying to get right with God in regard to my sister-in-law. I think I am making progress and that makes me feel better.
Don has had transports every day this week except today. That means I have been able to get a lot of work done. It’s difficult to work around Don otherwise. He does most of the work outside and I do all the housekeeping, laundry etc. inside. But we are total opposites in when we like to work. He likes to work outside in the early, early morning and I prefer to do the housework in the afternoon. I do morning devotions, read and watch 2 soap operas in the morning. Then I like to do housework after lunch. That doesn’t work too well when Don is home because after working outside in the morning, he wants lunch then he watches TV the rest of the day and evening. That makes it difficult to do housework. We need to work out a solution. I think maybe I will try to vacuum and work in the living/dining room between 10:00-11:00 each morning while Don is outside. I can do laundry, dishes and cleaning in the other rooms in the afternoon without bothering his TV watching. We’ll see if that works.
Those of you that follow me on Facebook have seen the picture I posted here but I am so proud of him, I want to post it again. My grandson Zach loves to work with wood. He saw a cross online that he and I really liked. So when he helped me move into Don’s after we were married he asked me if he could use a church pew that I had that was too water damaged to be saved. It was from the church that my 3rd great grandfather started and every musician (most of them my ancestors) sat in for over 100 years. When the church got new pews and the old ones were given to congregation members, my father asked for that one because he said his mother, the church musician, had sat in that pew while she was pregnant with him (and all her other children). Dad was born in 1909 and was a middle child. I was the last of the family to be a musician for the church. So I was honored when Zach wanted to use the wood from the bench to make the crosses. The cross is not only painted but the stars are cut out and the stripes are carved out. He also made the vase in the picture for Don and I. There is another one just like it on the second landing. Zach stopped by to see me this morning and told me his dream is to be able to quit the Sheriff’s Office, make and sell woodwork and work part time for the Police Department. He is also considering buying homes to flip or rent. I hope he realizes his dream!
Those are both beautiful. If I was younger and had money, I’d love to do flips. You could make a lot of money if you could learn how to get a bargain, estimate the renovation costs, and predict the selling price.
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Very nice. You have a talented grandson.
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You have good reason to be proud of your grandson…I am proud of him, too.
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Both items are precious and certainly require a great deal of talent. I know you will enjoy them for a lifetime. Take care.
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Been too long for an entry…hope all is well. HUGS
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