Many Thanks…..
to all who left such sweet notes on my last enry. I have plans to take Zach and Eli to lunch today. I searched out all the crafts and toys that I think Eli will want to play with. I have a sneaking suspicion the slingshot that I bought for Children’s Church will be his first choice. Look out cats, birds and dogs! (BTW when we used it at church (studying David and Goliath) we used cotton balls as ammo!) When he tires of that it will be the do-it-yourself zigsaw puzzle. It’s a white puzzle that he can draw his own picture on. He was putting together puzzles in minutes before he was two years old. His mother was also at that age.
I have been thinking of trying for the vacant City Commission seat but haven’t gotten quite enough courage for that yet. I need to work on my faith a little more and open my eyes and ears to hear what God wants me to do. I always thought that I would run for County Commision when I retired but now I think starting with city commssion would be smarter. I don’t know, we’ll see. My grandson, Zach working for the Police Department might be an obstacle for me. However, the woman that is vacating the seat is the wife of the Chief of Police so it shouldn’t.
I can’t believe there has been another school shooting. ( Please no political notes! 😏) This one in Maryland. I haven’t heard a lot of details yet. And another suspicious, possible bomb at Fedex in Texas. This world is going crazy!
The world is going crazy for sure!
I can’t believe that you are thinking about running for office. I think that’s hilarious! You can’t sit still for one minute before you start dreaming up something else to do to keep you busy!
@startingover_1 You are so right! I am definately ADHD! 🙂
@kls2kezer I shouldn’t talk. I’m much the same way. Except I’d never run for office. LOL
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Step out in faith! If its in His will for you, He will equip you to carry out the job.
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I think you should give some serious consideration to running for office. It’s good to learn and grow and you would surely learn and grow holding a position like that. I know it would probably overtake your life though, there would be some thing you need to give up in order to hold office, so think about it for a while.
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