June Is Here….
June started rather well. I hope it continues that way. We went to Don’s son Casey’s house on Saturday for a birthday party for grandson Curtis. I was a little apprehensive because Curtis reminds me of a nursery rhyme from my childhood. There was a little girl who had a curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very good but when she was bad, she was horrid! That’s Curtis! He can be such a good little boy and so much fun or he can be a little monster! He was on his very good behavior Saturday and so was his little brother Arien. We had a cookout with burgers, hotdogs, baked beans, pasta salad and potato salad and of course a birthday cake. It was a nice, fairly cool day so we spent most of it outdoors. The only mishap was Arien (2 years old) decided to climb on his big brothers bike instead of his own and ended up tipping it and himself over onto the sidewalk. He had a nice little divet in his head but was a trooper about it and barely cried. I took the boys some books and Casey and Kelly some extra dinnerware, silverware and cooking utensils we had. Don had a bunch and so did I when we got married. They were just in the way and we never used all of them. When Casey saw what we brought he said that he and Kelly were just talking that morning about that they needed to get some more kitchen ware, especially dinnerware.
Sunday was church with Communion. Our Sunday School teacher has been gone for several weeks. Her mother and father both passed within 3 weeks of each other and now her husband is in ICU with a collapsed lung. He had surgery and barring any complications will be able to come home Wednesday. She is a teacher, teaching autistic children and is falling way behind in her summer work at school. So she will have a lot to catch up on when she is able to go back to work. She is so exhausted from taking care of her parents and now her husband. I’m afraid she will be the next one sick. If you are a prayer warrior, their names are Sue and DeVerne. I know they would both appreciate any and all prayers.
I am struggling with something that I know I am handling the wrong way. My brother died in September. He was my only remaining birth family. I found out at church a few weeks ago that his widow is already dating one of the our congregation members. I suspect it has been going on for quite some time, even while my brother was still alive. It wouldn’t be the first time. It’s difficult seeing them sitting together in church with her practically on his lap. Petty, I know. But it hurts. I did manage to smile at her Sunday, so I guess I am making progress.
Well, Gretchen is whining so that is my cue that she is feeling neglected. Don is sleeping and I’m on the computer so she needs some lovin!
Glad that Casey is married with children and doing well. After the crap he put you through when you were with Don before, it’s good to see him acting like a grown-up.
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That’s a lot to take in for this poor lady and her family…
I’m not sure I can imagine little Curtis being a monster…only if he was pretending to be one.
@commonsensechristian — Monster was probably a little strong but I have never seen a 5 year old act quite as he did, starting with tearing money in half, hitting and kicking his little brother and throwing birthday cake all over the living room. Thankfully he was on very good behavior last weekend.
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