Busy Week

Holy week is always busy because of the church activities but this year was a little busier because of helping at Pre-School and various other stuff going on. I also have to be at church super early in the morning because our Sunday School class is in charge of the Sunrise Services and breakfast, I am a greeter for normal church services later that morning and teacher at Children’s Church during the regular service. After that we will have to clean up from the breakfast.

Don and I had planned to go out for lunch after church but his brother called and invited us over to their house because Don’s nephew is visiting from North Dakota. I like his brother and his wife but have a couple issues that will make it a difficult day for me. One, their entire family and Don are all heavy smokers. I have never smoked and have a real problem even being around Don when he smokes. I know I will be choking most of the day. Second problem is that I just came off a 40 day fast and I was really looking forward to going out to a good lunch tomorrow.  I’m hoping I can talk Don into going to lunch first and then to his brother’s house. Another possible third problem is that we invited Zach to go to lunch with us if he doesn’t have other plans. He hasn’t let me know for sure yet. So if he wants to go to lunch with us we will have to take separate cars because I know Zach won’t want to go on to brother’s house afterward, or we will have to skip lunch and disappoint Zach (and me).  Fourth problem is that Don’tsbrother and his wife are bikers and have the foulest mouths in the world. Not really what I want to listen to on Easter Sunday! Oh well, it will all work out. I’m hoping maybe Don will be too tired to go. I guess that’s a little selfish though!

Speaking of Don, when we got married I agreed to take care of paying Don’s credit cards. Out of his account. He was far, far in debt because of internet spending. I used the snowball method and now have over half of them paid off. I paid on off this month and will pay off another one next month and another in June. I have been debt free for a couple years and refuse to share a bank account with him. I took all his credit cards and closed the accounts as they were paid. But he still buys off the internet almost daily. I just make him use a debit card. So until I know he has his internet spending under control and is completely out of debt, there will be no shared bank account. I can’t see that ever happening. I am now paying all the household expenses but that too will stop when he is out of debt. That will then be split between us.

Don is still fighting the bill at where someone used his (unactivated) credit card to pay for a hotel room in California and I just found out that someone tried to use my Paypal account to buy an Amtrac ticket to Michigan! As much as I love the internet I’m getting afraid to use it!




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March 31, 2018

Wow, I hope that doesn’t roll into an identity theft. You are wise to keep your money separate from his, if his spending is out of control like that. Ugh, I feel your pain about hanging out with smokers with foul mouths. It just wounds the soul.

March 31, 2018

Wow, that DOES sound horrible.  We had an internet fraud thing once, but our bank was wonderful about it.  It was so scary.  I have all of my accounts text me whenever ANYTHING happens, same with all my cards.  The second anything is charged, I know it.

We used to be in deep debt but in 2013 we took this Financial Peace University Course at our church and began to follow the Dave Ramsey system of budgeting.  We got out from under $20k of credit card debt.  We bought a car and paid it off in about a year instead of the six years that were on the contract and now the only debt we have is our mortgage PLUS we actually have a savings account with $$ in it!

As far as your Easter goes, I sure hope you get your lunch out.  It sounds like lunch at the brother’s house would be minor torture.  I used to be a bad smoker so now I get terrible asthma when I’m around anyone who smokes.  I quit when I was 34 so it’s been a great many years but my lungs are still fragile.

April 1, 2018

@heavenssake Dave Ramsey is who I follow also. He’s great!


March 31, 2018

If I ever get married again, which probably won’t happen, I will keep my money separate from my husbands.  One of the reasons I don’t want to marry again is because I was in a long term marriage and because of that I will be entitled to the pay of my ex husband’s social security.  I made a lower amount in salary than my ex husband and if I get married again I would receive my social security amount which obviously is lower.  As far as the smoking goes, it’s not good for you to be breathing in the smoke.  I’m sure you know this.  You do a lot for your church.  They are very fortunate to have you.

March 31, 2018

@wildrose_2  You can draw on the SS of whatever ex husbands SS is the greatest IF, you were married at least 10 years and were 60 or older when you divorced.

March 31, 2018

As you are probably aware, I’m still fighting Amazon and  Chase-Visa over an adjustable bed frame that I didn’t order, but sent back the minute I got it.  It’s still on my Visa card and Visa and Amazon are at odds over it, so they won’t take it off my account.  I turned it over to the State Attorney General.  We’ll see how they do.

April 1, 2018

wow!  I admire your ways of helping Don. He’s lucky to have you. I think that’s one of the best things about relationships……..find someone who is strong where you’re weaker…..so together you make one perfect human being 🙂 hahaha….maybe not perfect.