
Yesterday was the worst day I’ve had in a long time.  And it started out so inconspicuously normal.  Tricky little fucker, that Monday is.

The VP of Marketing threw me under the bus, allowing me to take the blame for his own stupid shitty communication skills.  Dude.  Your JOB is to communicate.  READ MY GODDAM EMAILS.  Anyway, he just kept asking over and over Whose responsibility, ultimately, is this?!  And I’m like "Dave.  It’s yours."  And he’s like No!  Is it?  No!  Who sends out the news releases?  And I’m like "Well, PR."  And he’s like SO!  It’s Christina’s fault!  And I’m like "Dave.  The release was not sent out because you never approved it.  I should have followed up with you more than the three times I did and Christina should have followed up with you more than the three times she did, but ultimately, the reason it didn’t go out was because YOU. DID. NOT. APPROVE. IT." 

Somehow, this was not fair and was unacceptable and he continued to ask over and over how we were to fix this in the future and how did this happen and whose fault is it and eventually I was tired of being in his office so I said "Just tell Andy [the CEO] it was my fault.  I’m gone soon anyway!"  And he says Ok.  Sounds good.  And starts typing.

I mean… really?

I was so unbelievably bothered that this man, who is supposed to be a leader, supposed to shoulder responsibility, will not take ANY of the blame for this, and is willing to throw me under the bus instead of admitting his fault.  I was literally red in the face with rage.


Then I had to go home and sit down (with the wine I had picked up on the way.  Cause hell.  I deserved a glass of wine yesterday) and call my business partner, and discuss some mighty uncomfortable topics, and then tell her I was leaving the business because I didn’t want to be in business with her.  Worst. 45. Minutes. Ever.

She was wildly offended and told me so.  She felt betrayed and terrible.  She couldn’t believe what I was accusing her of.  And all the while she was spouting all these stories that, frankly, didn’t add up with what makes sense and what everyone else has seen, heard, been a part of, knows.  Sometimes if you’re telling me one thing, but 40 other people are telling me another, that might not be peer pressure.  That might just be fact.  Sean Leafloor.  Just saying.

And then I had to go to the store to buy shorts.  Jesus.  Could there be any greater punishment from the gods than shorts shopping?!  Hello, Kaitlin.  These are your legs.  SURPRISE!!  They’re THE WORST!

But I found some and bought them and got myself shoes too, to lessen the legs blow, and concentrated on vacation in 12 days.  12 days.  12 days.

Then Keith came over and told me I was pretty and that Monday was almost over and hugged me until I fell asleep.  And now it’s Tuesday, and he was right.

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March 8, 2011

You’re gone soon anyways – so I’d make it a point to contact Andy and tell him exactly the way your boss behaved. That’s completely unacceptable.

March 8, 2011

I live for your entries. “Sean Leafloor. Just saying.” Hahaha. I’m glad it’s Tuesday. I’m glad you’re in a Tuesday state of mind! I LOVE YOU! This Dave guy sucks a big bag of balls. Need details re: business partner. Keith is awesome. Have I mentioned that Keith is awesome? Oh…several times? Okay. Good.

March 8, 2011


March 9, 2011

He sounds like a dirtbag…and not the teenage kind. Or maybe the teenage kind??? *cue whirly music when a scene in television ends on a cliffhanger* You’re great! GB.

March 9, 2011

I will personally come in and yell at people for you. It is my greatest skill anyways.

March 9, 2011

Monday, that sonofabitch. drinks soon? And I’ll repeat what mizzle said, Keith is awesome.