
I complain a lot.  I can feel how irritating it is.  I think it might just be the weather and the general Januaryness of it all, but I’m not thrilled with everything right now.  I keep waiting for something to happen.  Win something from the CHEO lottery, hear back from one of the places I applied, get engaged.  But nothing’s happening.  I’m bored.

I shouldn’t be so ungrateful.  I have the most lovely life and I know it.  I’m just itching for something to come along and shake things up.  Some change.  Something to break me out of the routine that’s going on here day after day.  When I was younger this meant going shopping, changing my shoes, dying my hair.  Some physical change.  But now that I’m so strangely excellent with my money, I just don’t want that.  I want some actual change in my life.

Maybe I’ll just go get a tattoo.

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January 19, 2011

I am the queen of complaining. I even irriate myself. But I am moving out so I have absolutely nothing to complain about now!! Get a tattoo!!!

Yeah… January seems to have that effect on a lot of people… It’s the time of year for change.

January 19, 2011



January 19, 2011

Kaitlin, tattoos cost money too! BUT IWANT ONE. So let’s go. Next week?

ryn: Thanks!!! 🙂 I hope you get to go this year too, it was so awesome 🙂