

I’ve been researching becoming a wedding planner.  I’m an event planner as it is, and turns out I love it and am damn good at it.  But planning for a clown to twist some balloons for children or the mayor of Nowheresville, Northern Ontario to cut a ribbon and say some words are not the wonderfully coordinated and decorated events I have in mind for my career.  Weddings are the best events.  I want to plan them.  All the time.  Every day.

So I will!

I plan to get certified this summer some time – waiting for a weekend when the course is happening close to home and on a weekend I’m not working a wedding at Saunders Farm.  AND Keith’s best friend’s girlfriend has her own wedding planner business and tells me she could use an assistant – so I can get some actual experience and what not.  Waddup.  Profesh. 

This is all coming together quite nicely and happily and without all the hard work and junk I don’t want to do with this Advertising & Marketing & Communications thing Nellie and I are starting to get off the ground.  Waiting for the right time to tell her I’m not that into it.  I suspect if I wait long enough she may lose interest as well.  But now is not the time.  No, now is not good for her to hear this.  But who knows?  Maybe I can do that too.  What if I had two businesses?  Wedding planning is so all over the place schedule wise.  And if I have my own business and therefore control my own schedule, I could make room easily for weddings. 

We discussed our wedding at great length over breakfast yesterday.  Then details started to make him dizzy.  "You like to do this detail stuff, right?"  "Are you kidding?  I effing love it."  "Excellent.  You just pick everything and I’ll show up and bring the party."  "I’ve never loved you more than I do right now."

Hah.  Here’s another choice exerpt; "I’m gonna ask you on a Tuesday."  "Good.  Then I’ll be surprised.  It’s hard to surprise me."  "Is that how it works?  I’m supposed to surprise you?"  "Of course.  Or we could go to the ring store and pick one out and you could say here, now we’re engaged.  ….I’ll kill you."  "Sigh.  Ok.  I know!  I’ll write you a song and when you listen to it, the ring will pop out of the headphones and into your ear!  It’ll be an earring!"  "Hahahaha………………………….terrible."

In other news, Ottawa smells like fire today.  Apparently it comes from forest fires in Trois Rivières.  That’s hella far away.  So I’m glad it’s not that close.  And I’m doubly glad that everything smells like delicious campfire.  People are complaining at work.  I think it’s amazing.  Not that the forest is burning down, but that everything now smells like cottage.  You usually have to GO to the cottage to get that smell on you.  It’s kind of relaxing.  I love it.

And I just discovered my boss will be out of the office three days this week.  Do you know how much wedding planner research I can do in three days?  So much.  So so much.

Man.  Isn’t it wonderful, this life we get to live?

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May 31, 2010

You are ahving a fab day because you got a free latte AND a free croissant. I know it. AND your credit card wasn’t declined just befre your phone fell in the toilet. I envy you.

You must be a really patient person, kudos to you! I was the photographer for a wedding an about jumped off a bridge afterwards. TOO stressful. I can only picture what it’s like to PLAN one.