
But actually, I CANNOT wait to move. 

I know this has absolutely no bearing on where I live, but for some reason it made me annoyed with my building.  Last night I went to bed early (mmmm) and was asleep fairly shortly after that.  I was awakened by my phone ringing at 1am.  I looked at the display and it said "Blocked".  I answered anyway, because I had JUST told some people the day before at Easter dinner that I always answer the phone in the middle of the night in case it’s an emergency and that people don’t call me anymore in the middle of the night because they’re drunk or want me to party, so I always make sure I answer.  Truthfully I haven’t had a middle of the night call in probably close to two years.

So I answer all sleepy like "…hh..hello?"  and whoever it is hangs up.  I was very annoyed and also creeped out.  Then I started to worry I was becoming a parranoid old lady and need to stop watching Criminal Minds.  Then my phone went off again.  Text message.

It said it was from my friend Jenn.  But it said "Are u a girl and are u single"

I immediately jump to the conclusion that someone has stolen Jenn’s phone and I write back "WTF who is this"

They reply "You text me Monday morning"

Which I fell asleep thinking about because at first I thought it was instructions and then realized he was probably letting me know I had texted on Monday morning.

This morning I was VERY irritated at my disrupted sleep and I texted the number back saying "I didn’t text you, I think some wires must be crossed.  Who are you trying to reach?"

When I got to work I messaged Jenn on FB because I had realized that maybe I had the wrong phone number for her.  She gave me her number… one digit off.  Hm.  Then it hit me.  I HAD texted this poor lonely stranger Monday morning.  I was in the wrong!  Curses!

Anyway, I missed Top Chef last night AND did not catch up on the sleep that was supposed to provide.  Tonight, friends.  Tonight is the night I sleep for 8 whole hours. 

Do. Not. Call. Me.

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April 10, 2012

haha, what’s your #? i’ll make sure to call every hour on the hour after 10pm. eek, honestly though, i leave my phone downstairs in the kitchen and never by the bed. good and bad, i’ve missed some important calls that way.

April 10, 2012

someone once rang me in the middle of the night shouting at me for ringing them in the middle of the night (i hadn’t!) but i was half asleep and confused and ended up apologising and every time i think about it i get mad that i said sorry when i should have told them to p*** off!

there isn’t even a phone in my bedroom for that very reason. i don’t want anyone waking me up in the middle of the night. 🙂

April 11, 2012

hahahahah!!!! I happens to me more often than I would care to admit that I am in the wrong and don’t realize it, and I can get rather indignant. I will try not to call in the middle of the night, but if there had been too much red wine consumed I cannot make any promises.

i’m sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but that is kinda funny! 😀